Possess Me Please

Free Possess Me Please by S.K. Yule

Book: Possess Me Please by S.K. Yule Read Free Book Online
Authors: S.K. Yule
her mouth again when footsteps sounded on the stairs behind them. Cyrus opened Isabelle’s door and pushed her inside her room before shutting it and turning around to come face-to-face with Scarlett. Damn . He was fond of the woman, but she had terrible timing.
    Scarlett raised one brow, no doubt taking in his tousled hair and disheveled appearance. Without a word, she grinned and continued walking toward the end of the long hallway where her own room was. “Goodnight, Cyrus,” she said over her shoulder before chuckling.
    He sighed. “Goodnight.”
    Once Scarlett had retreated into her room, he turned back to Izzy’s door and knocked softly. “Izzy?”
    “Go away, Cyrus!”
    He let his forehead rest against the cool wood. “Come on, Izzy, let me in. You know you want to.”
    He was certain she wasn’t going to let him in, but he couldn’t resist teasing her.
    “I said no. Go to bed.”
    “I want to, darling. Let me in and we can both climb into that big—”
    The door flung open, and he barely caught himself before tumbling inside. Izzy was in a tizzy, and she looked beautiful.
    “It’s not going to happen. I’m sorry I led you on. I had too much wine. I don’t want to do this.”
    He leaned closer to her. “Liar.”
    Her face turned beet red in what he perceived to be anger with a hint of embarrassment from being called out on the lie. “Cyrus, I am going to my bed alone. Goodnight.”
    She tried to shut the door, but he blocked it with his foot, then pulled her to him and gave her a quick kiss. “Fine, Izzy, but I’m going to dream about you tonight, and everything I soon plan to do to you.”
    * * * *
    She slammed the door. He was infuriating, and…she still wanted him. What the hell was she doing? How could she have acted like such a hussy? Sure, he was gorgeous, sexy, and she ached for him like crazy, but she had just met him.
    She had to get out of here and away from him before she did something really stupid.

Chapter Seven
    The next morning, Isabelle awoke to the pounding of drums in her head. And if a raging headache first thing in the morning wasn’t fun enough, the memories of the nightmare about Stephen she’d suffered through last night was the icing on the cake. She groaned. Or was the headache the icing? Whatever. At least the dream had ended well, with her mystery man finally making an entrance and saving her once again.
    Resting her palm on her forehead, she tried to will the pain away. The dreams were frustrating and confusing, and she couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something vaguely familiar about the new stranger in them.
    Her psychic abilities were weak at best, but she was about ready to give them a spin, hoping they’d give her some kind of clue as to what message her dreams were trying to send her.
    With a sigh, Isabelle threw back the heavy comforter, then did her normal morning routine of stretching and yawning. Suddenly, she remembered that she needed to get the hell out of here and away from Cyrus. God, even the mere thought of him heated her body.
    After collecting her things, she did a quick sweep of the room to make sure she hadn’t forgotten anything, snatched up her purse, and stepped outside the room, where she ran smack dab into a hard chest.
    Strong hands reached out to steady her. Cyrus . Were there ever such things as clean getaways anymore?
    “Good morning, Izzy.” He smiled and nodded toward her bag. “Where are you going?”
    “I’m going home.”
    She shrugged his hands off her shoulders and started for the stairs.
    “I don’t think so.”
    Isabelle turned to face him, straightening her back. “What do you mean by that?”
    He grinned, flashing her that mouthful of perfect pearly whites. “Remember the snowstorm Scarlett mentioned last night?  It turned into a blizzard. It’s still going strong as we speak. Most of the roads are closed, and it’s forecasted to continue for the next twenty-four to forty-eight hours.”
    No! This

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