Possess Me Please

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Book: Possess Me Please by S.K. Yule Read Free Book Online
Authors: S.K. Yule
is not happening!
    Dropping her bag, Isabelle bolted downstairs before jerking open the front door. She gasped at the whiteout that greeted her and at the cold that stole her breath. There was at least two feet of snow on the ground, and a gale blowing around even more of the stuff, making it nearly impossible to see her car parked across from the house.
    Cyrus pulled her back inside and closed the door, grinning widely. “I told you.”
    “Yeah. Great.”
    This was not a good thing. She was going to be stuck here with him, and he wasn’t going to make it easy for her to avoid him.
    She shot him a scathing look and made her way back up the stairs to her room. Before she could close the door, he called to her that breakfast was ready. His chuckle floated to her ears, causing her to roll her eyes.
    He was amused, and she was angry and horny. Not a pleasant combination.
    She was hungry too. After twenty minutes of pacing, she caved and went down to the dining room. Scarlett wasn’t there, but of course, Cyrus was.
    She was more infuriated when she saw the all-too-familiar smug look on his sexy-as-sin face. “Where’s Scarlett?”
    “She wasn’t feeling well this morning. Migraine, I think. She said they usually last a day or two, and that she might be in bed all day.”
    The day kept getting better and better. At least her headache was almost gone. Unfortunately, without Scarlett around, she’d have a harder time avoiding Cyrus. After breakfast, she’d go up to her room and try to get some answers about her dream. That would keep her busy and away from him for a few hours.
    * * * *
    Cyrus could barely keep the grin off his face. He was sure Izzy wouldn’t appreciate it, so he was trying to reel it in. Why couldn’t she admit that she was attracted to him?  She chewed on her eggs as if they were her worst enemy, and his body twitched in excitement when he thought about her teeth scraping over his skin. He silently watched her until she finished eating, not missing one of the surreptitious glances directed his way from under her lashes.
    He’d never met a woman who had held out against his charm for so long. Then again, he’d never met a woman like Izzy.
    She drained the last of the orange juice in her glass, making him envy the juice that she licked off her bottom lip. Abruptly, she wiped her mouth with a napkin, stood, and scurried from the room like a scared mouse.
    He sat back after finishing his own meal, stretching his legs out in front of him. He’d give her a few minutes to collect herself, a few moments to lull herself into a false sense of security, before his next visit.
    * * * *
    Isabelle found some candles in the bathroom cabinet under the sink and in the linen closet. After carrying them to her room and carefully arranging them on the floor in a circle just large enough for her to sit in, she lit them, then flipped the switch by the door to dim the lights. Sitting cross-legged in the middle of the circle, she rested her forearms on her knees, palms up, trying to relax and channel as much tranquility into her body and brain as possible. This was a must if she was going to open herself up to any possible psychic activity.
    She breathed in and out slowly, deeply, and chased all thoughts from her mind.
    “I seek answers from the energy of light.
    Unseen messenger, please guide me,
    Show me in wake what I cannot unravel in my dreams.”
    Isabelle sat motionless, keeping her mind clear and her body relaxed.
    She waited…and waited. Just when she thought nothing would happen, the room turned cold. As she shivered, her soul shrank inside of her in fear, though her body burned. She’d only asked for guidance, but something was not right. She’d channeled something, but it wasn’t guidance. Isabelle wanted to open her eyes, to break the connection with whatever was in the room with her, but a feeling of sheer terror anchored her to the floor, not allowing her to move.
    Suddenly, her body was invaded, and

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