Put a Ring on It

Free Put a Ring on It by K.A. Mitchell

Book: Put a Ring on It by K.A. Mitchell Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.A. Mitchell
Tags: gay romance
forefront created that effect. Kieran had said they had a Christmas tree as well as a menorah.
    There was no noise in the office before Theo heard a latch click and the door opened.
    “That time, is it?” Niall arched his brows in a familiar way.
    If Theo hadn’t met Niall before, he would have assumed they’d woken him from a nap, but that soft, somnolent tone was typical for Kieran’s father.
    “Son.” He shook Kieran’s hand, then offered the same to Theo, including the son . “Thank you for coming over. Your mother wanted to drive to Manhattan last night. But that might have been to escape the questions from her mother.”
    There was no question, no required response, and yet Kieran immediately launched into an explanation. “I’m sorry I missed her call. I didn’t know it had been on the news. I was going to call this morning.”
    “I managed to keep her confined to our zip code.”
    Despite Niall’s half-lidded eyes, Theo felt their focused scrutiny. “I’m afraid it’s all my fault, sir. I didn’t foresee the impact.”
    “Of a well-known Broadway producer proposing marriage to his boyfriend using the cast of one of the most difficult tickets of the year. In Times Square.” Again, it wasn’t a question.
    Theo summoned up his brightest, most earnest smile. “The only thing on my mind was showing Kieran how much I love him and want to spend my life with him.”
    “It was certainly a show.” Niall’s sleepy gaze covered the respectful space Theo maintained between him and Kieran at his parents’ house, the way Kieran’s hands had gone back into his pockets, hiding the ring from view.
    Theo began to see the merits of Kieran liking to keep things private. But it wasn’t as if Kieran were a woman—and Theo couldn’t see any of the women he knew tolerating a boyfriend who sought parental permission for a proposal.
    “Well. Kieran has never had any difficulty in deciding his own path. Let’s get some breakfast.” Niall started down the stairs ahead of them.
    Theo put a hand on Kieran’s arm. “I’m—you know I didn’t do it for publicity.”
    Kieran grabbed on, pulled Theo’s face down, and kissed him. “Yeah. I know.”
    “What was that for?”
    “You’re kind of adorable when you’re scared to death. I don’t think I’ve seen it before.”
    “He’s a history professor. He doesn’t have any dueling pistols, right?”
    “I’ll protect you.”
    Kieran’s grandmother steered him to the seat beside her, leaving Theo alone and unprotected on the other side of the table, though there were no firearms in sight.
    After the wine was blessed, Theo watched Kieran for a cue on whether he should drink from it when the goblet came to him. Kieran shrugged with his eyebrows, and Theo risked a sip before passing it to Niall. Mrs. Schwartz nodded, and Theo didn’t know if it meant approval or that his sacrilege was complete.
    Theo had been at ease at Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, Marilyn smiling and approving his interest and efforts to follow traditions. But after the discomforting interview with Niall, Theo found himself in the unfamiliar position of second-guessing every instant of his behavior.
    After the blessing of the bread, Mrs. Schwartz leveled some of her disapproval at the empty place setting next to Theo. “I’d like to think that my granddaughter could spare a few hours for her family on the Sabbath.”
    “She has rehearsals, Ma,” Marilyn explained when she returned from carrying food out of the kitchen.
    “Work? Feh .”
    “For Ash, music isn’t like work, Bubbe. God gave her a gift, and she loves using it,” Kieran said.
    Mrs. Schwartz patted Kieran’s cheek. “You’re good to defend your sister, tsatskele.” The next pat was sharp. Not a slap, but a warning. “But HaShem only, for his name.”
    “Yes, Bubbe.”
    She dragged Kieran to her and kissed him, fluffing his hair. Kieran submitted to it, though his body was tense.
    “Nu, let’s see this ring from Mr.

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