Learning to Live Again

Free Learning to Live Again by Taryn Plendl

Book: Learning to Live Again by Taryn Plendl Read Free Book Online
Authors: Taryn Plendl
her that he had put in for a company transfer to Philadelphia, much to his boss’s dismay.
    They were married just four short months later, and Austin had spent every day of the last four years with Rachel like they were each a precious gift—one he felt so privileged to have received. They had built a life together, traveling and working and spoiling their nephews, as well as Tom and Talia’s boys, and Nick and Chelsea’s girls.
    They were both completely content with their life, and so when Rachel started feeling extremely fatigued and nauseous, it had made her very nervous. When she started waking up with night sweats, she finally told Austin. Rachel called her oncologist who suggested she come in right away for some testing. The wait was excruciating. Austin and Rachel were supposed to meet everyone at Trevor and Ava’s after they received the results.
    “Mrs. Montgomery?” The petite nurse stood in front of them, snapping them both back to the present. Austin stood up and pulled Rachel into his arms.
    “Whatever this is, love, we will get through this together ,” Austin spoke softly into Rachel’s ear, causing her to shiver. “Okay?” Rachel nodded and followed the nurse through the door.
    “The doctor will see you now.” She led them both to an office and smiled softly before turning and walking away. Austin knocked. “Please come in, both of you.” The doctor motioned to two seats across from her desk. “Please have a seat. We got the results of your tests and have some things to discuss.” Austin took Rachel’s hand and squeezed it. This was the moment of truth.
    ** *
    Austin pulled the car to a stop outside Trevor and Ava’s house. The entire group —except for him and Rachel—had moved to the suburbs. It was a very nice area, and just four train stops to Center City. Ava and Trevor had made the move first, shortly after their first son, Aidan, was born, and a few months later, Talia and Tom purchased a townhome about a mile away. It didn’t take long for Nick and Chelsea to find a home. They ended up just around the corner from Ava and Trevor. It seemed like a natural progression.
    “How are you?” Austin ran his hand over Rachel’s cheek.
    “I’m just in shock.” She shook her head. “Come on, we need to go tell everyone.” Rachel opened her door and waited for Austin to walk around the car before walking to the door hand in hand.
    Before they could even knock, the door swung open. “Uncle Austin! Aunt Rachel!” Aidan rushed to them, grabbing their joined hands, pulling them through the door. “They’re here!”
    Austin shook his head and chuckled. “For a four year old, he has a huge voice.”
    “I’m four and a half, Uncle Austin ,” Aidan corrected.
    “Oh, sorry buddy.” Austin ruffled his hair as three year old Michael barreled around the corner with Talia in pursuit.
    “Michael, let me wipe your hands.” Talia finally caught the little guy and cleaned him up before he touched anything.
    “ Hewwo.” Michael waved his little hand before running off after Aidan.
    “Hey guys.” Talia smiled. “Come on, let’s get you something to eat.”
    Austin and Rachel followed Talia into the great room. A variety of food was set out on the table in the dining area. Ava and Trevor waved as Austin and Rachel made their way to the food, helping themselves.
    Ava sat with fourteen month old Lucas in her arms. He was sleeping peacefully against her shoulder, completely unaware of the chaos around him. Just as Austin and Rachel took a seat on the love seat, two giggling girls ran into the room with red curls bouncing. “Daddy, guess what?” the four year old twins squealed in unison as they climbed up into Nick’s lap.
    “What , my princesses?” Nick placed a kiss on the top of each of their heads.
    “Aidan kissed us!” Sophia exclaimed as her sister, Lexie, covered her mouth and nodded.
    “What the —” Nick glared in Trevor’s direction. Trevor held his hands up and

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