Learning to Live Again

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Book: Learning to Live Again by Taryn Plendl Read Free Book Online
Authors: Taryn Plendl
    “Oh , come on, dude. He is four.” Tom laughed, grinning at Trevor and giving him a thumbs up, only making Nick glare even harder.
    “I don’t care, man. I don’t want any boys kissing my girls.” Nick frowned as he pulled the squirming girls tighter into his lap as if he was shielding them. Chelsea pried Nick’s arms off the twins and smiled as they ran off, still giggling. Chelsea picked up Nick’s hand and placed a kiss on it, softening his frown.
    The irony of Nick having the only girls in the group was not lost on anyone. It had been quite amusing to watch the former womanizer become the doting daddy to twin girls. God help the poor boys who decide d to date them in the future. They wouldn’t be able to pull anything over on Nick. He had done it all, and would be one step ahead of them.
    Trevor leaned forward, suddenly very serious. “Did you get the results of your tests , Rachel?”
    Rachel nodded as she chewed a bite of hamburger.
    “Well … did they find anything, Rach?” he asked nervously.
    Rachel looked at Austin and then back at her big brother. “Yes, they found something.”
    Trevor jumped to his feet and began pacing. “Okay. It’s okay. You did this before. You are so strong, Rachel. You can do this again, we can all do it again, right?” Everyone nodded as Austin and Rachel looked around the room. Rachel felt the tears welling up in her eyes at the love and support she saw in each of their faces. “When do you start treatment?” Trevor asked as he sat back down next to Ava.
    Rachel cleared her throat. “Um, I’m not doing treatment.”
    “What? No, Rachel, you have to!” Trevor stood back up, walking to her and dropping to his knees in front of her. “You can’t give up, Rachel, you have to do treatment. You can do this.”
    Rachel handed her plate to Austin and placed her small hands on her brother’s face. “I don’t need treatment, Trevor. It’s not cancer.”
    “Wait, I don’t understand ,” Trevor whispered.
    “I don’t have cancer. I’m pregnant.” Rachel’s tears finally spilled over as Trevor stood up, pulling his little sister into his arms, swinging her around.
    “Pregnant? You’re pregnant?” He pulled back and looked into Rachel’s eyes, laughing when she nodded again.
    Nick stood and pulled Austin up into a hug. “Welcome to the group. It’s exhausting and scary, but it is the most rewarding thing you’ll ever do.”
    Ava, Talia, and Chelsea wrapped Rachel in a group hug as they laughed, clearly relieved. Trevor hugged Austin, and then Tom did the same. After several minutes of celebration, they all took their seats again.
    “The fatigue and nausea make perfect sense now. The doctor also said the night sweats are probably due to hormone fluctuations, but other than a baby with a very strong heartbeat, everything else looks one hundred percent perfect.” Rachel grinned as she leaned into Austin’s arms.
    Austin and Rachel had basically accepted that they wouldn’t have children. She had been told that sometimes those who went through such vigorous treatments had fertility issues. They had just planned on spoiling the other couples ’ little ones, and not fretting over the fact that they couldn’t have their own, so when they had found out that it was a baby causing all of Rachel’s symptoms … needless to say, they were a bit shocked.
    “How far along are you?” Talia asked.
    “They think I’m around thirteen weeks,” Rachel answered, unable to control her smile.
    “God, Rachel, this is incredible , little one.” Tom grinned as he pulled Talia down onto his lap.
    “You’re a fighter, girl.” Talia winked at Rachel.
    “Anything in my life that is worth fighting for, I already have.” Rachel tilted her head up and kissed Austin. “Spending precious time with friends and family makes life worth living.”
    The padding of little feet grew louder until four little ones rounded the corner, launching themselves into each of

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