Learning to Live Again

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Authors: Taryn Plendl
their parent’s laps.
    Austin and Rachel looked around the room. Ava and Trevor snuggled with their two boys, smiling at each other. Tom and Talia tickled little Michael as he giggled and squirmed on their laps. Nick and Chelsea each rocked a little girl as they sucked on their little thumbs, eyes growing heavy. It didn’t take much for them to see that you don’t need to share blood to be family. Love and loyalty, laughter and tears … all of this was what made up family. At the end of the day, each of them was truly happy. Maybe they didn’t all have everything that they wanted, but they sure had everything they needed in each other.
    They finally figured out that you can’t look too hard for the happy ending, or you just might miss the best part of the story.
    Love is a special thing.

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