Unleashed #4

Free Unleashed #4 by Callie Harper

Book: Unleashed #4 by Callie Harper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Callie Harper
she’s coming
to,” a mean, nasty voice spoke from behind me. I recognized it
right away. The Toad Man. Lymon Culpepper.
    I struggled against my
restraints, writhing in the chair and calling out against the gag. He
walked in front of me, his beady eyes cold and dark as he watched me
flail. I panted and fought, to no avail. He’d tied me tight.
Realizing the futility of my actions, I stopped. For now.
    “No, go on,” he
encouraged me, his voice flat and businesslike. “I enjoy watching
you struggle.”
    I hated him. I wanted
to spit in his face and claw his eyes out.
    “Ooh, I like that,
too,” he said, appraising me. “All that heat in your eyes. I’m
going to enjoy taking it all out of you. Breaking your will. Making
you kneel for me. It’s so much more fun when there’s a fight
    Cold, deliberate, he
dragged a chair over near me. He placed it down and sat in it, squat
and nasty, watching me bound and gagged. I couldn’t reach him,
couldn’t get to him. But I’d figure out a way. He had me helpless
right now, but I’d find an out. I just needed to keep calm and
focused and bide my time.
    A large figure stepped
out from the shadows. In an instant, I knew he’d been the man who’d
grabbed me, held me with his meaty fists in the car. The goon, the
300 pound monster I’d met the other day. Fuck. It would be harder
to get out of this with two of them.
    Panic swept through me
again. I was completely helpless, tied tight to the chair. No one
knew I was there. No one even knew about this warehouse. I couldn’t
help it, I screamed and struggled, knowing he was watching me and
getting off on it. But the survival instinct was strong and I
screamed and writhed in my restraints.
    “I like your screams,
too, Kara,” Lymon said, sitting in the chair, his stumpy legs
spread wide apart. He rested his hand on his inner thigh. Next to it
I could see a bulge, pressing against his pants. He was hard,
watching me. My helplessness and fear was turning him on.
    I didn’t want to give
him that pleasure. Trying to control myself, I took as deep a breath
as I could through my nose. The gag let in some air, but it almost
panicked me more to try to breathe through it, reminding me how
helpless I was. These monsters controlled my airflow. They meant
business. I closed my eyes and steadied my breathing.
    “You can close your
eyes, Kara. But it doesn’t change the fact that you’re here,
trapped. I’ve got you right where I want you.”
    My eyes flew open and
fixed on him again with hatred.
    “There’s that
fire,” he nodded, pleased. Oh, how I hated him. “I’m going to
take your gag off soon, Kara. I’m going to enjoy listening to all
your screams. The screams no one else can hear.”
    My eyes widened again
in panic and I could feel my throat constricting, needing more air. I
balled my hands into fists, struggling against the ropes that bound
them together in back of the chair.
    “I like watching your
tits while you struggle,” Lymon said, now stroking the base of the
bulge in his pants. “The way you’re tied up, they’re forced out
for me to see. But I don’t like that t-shirt.” He glanced over at
his goon, hulking by his side. The other man was younger, maybe
around my age, and his eyes fixed on me, hungry. My stomach turned
with revulsion.
    “Cut it off of her.”
Lymon’s voice issued the order, cold and hard. The goon smiled,
lecherous and leering, and approached me with lumbering steps. In his
hand he held a knife, a sharp one. The metal glinted in the dim
    “No!” I couldn’t
help but struggle and protest, flinching and helplessly trying to
move away. But I couldn’t move. I was bound there, sitting under
his hulking form as he stood over me with his knife.
    “Hold still,” Lymon
instructed. “We don’t want that pretty skin marked up. Yet.”
After the yet , he
chuckled like he’d made a funny joke. I gave an involuntary shudder
in fear.
    The beefy, thick face
of his henchman

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