The Tycoon's Revenge (Baby for the Billionaire - Book One)

Free The Tycoon's Revenge (Baby for the Billionaire - Book One) by Melody Anne

Book: The Tycoon's Revenge (Baby for the Billionaire - Book One) by Melody Anne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melody Anne
make it through one more day. The last couple had been filled with unbelievable sexual tension, for her at least. She didn’t think Derek had thought about their time on his table since he’d pulled up his pants. He barely even looked at her. She was trying to convince herself that was a good thing.
    She lectured herself all the way to the top of the building. She could get through one more day. They were down to their last few files and then he’d most likely return to the head office and she could relax.
    The bell on the elevator rang, which made her jump. The door’s opened and she walked out like she was on the green mile, walking her final steps to the execution room. She didn’t even bother going into her office. She knew the second she sat down, Derek would buzz her and demand she get to his office.
    The strap of her bag slipped down her shoulder and her hands were full of coffee, so she could do nothing about it. She stepped into Derek’s office and sighed. Of course he was there, ahead of her. The man never slept late, or showed up even two minutes past seven in the morning.
    She was used to being the first one to work but it was impossible with him around. She couldn’t leave any earlier, since she had to get her son sent off to school. She set the extra coffee cup down in front of him and then took her place in front of the much smaller pile of personnel folders.
    “Thanks,” Derek muttered, as he grabbed the cup, without so much as looking up. She had only brought him one, because the other day she’d come in with a large Carmel macchiato and he’d thrown down a fifty and told her to bring him one too, since she was stopping anyway.
    He hadn’t bothered to ask her if it would be inconvenient, hadn’t bothered to ask period, he had just assumed she’d do it for him. It hadn’t been a battle worth fighting, so she just picked him up the coffee. It wasn’t like she had to go out of her way. Besides, he was now paying for hers too and the morning boosts weren’t cheap.
    She seriously would live off the coffees and nothing else, if she could get away with it. She had done that a couple different days and by the end, she was shaking all over but her house had gotten incredibly clean.
    “We have a couple more interviews to do today, with the last of the previous employee’s. I want you to go through the applications that have come in over the week and weed through them. Find the best candidates and schedule them for next week to come in for interviews. We need to get those positions filled as soon as possible,” Derek said, as he finally looked up.
    Unfortunately for her, when he looked up, she was busy staring at his body in inappropriate places. His brows rose and she couldn’t stop the deep flush that stained her cheeks. She turned away from him, praying he’d just pretend it hadn’t happened.
    She needed to get out of his office, because every time she looked at the table, she pictured herself sitting there with him between her thighs. She nodded her head and then pretended to be engrossed with the file in front of her.
    Derek could feel himself tightening the second Jasmine walked into the room. No matter how subtle her scent was, he could pick it out, even if she was in a room surrounded by over scented socialites. He’d grown to crave her scent and wanted to bury his head in her shoulder and just draw the smell of her in. He wanted to bury himself in many other areas of her body as well.
    When he looked up to see her eyes on the very body part he wanted to sink into her It took all of his many years of tightly reined in control not to grab her and have a repeat performance like the one earlier in the week. He found himself actually gripping the desk to keep from walking to her.
    They called in the last four employees and only kept one of them on. The last interview wasn’t going well. “I appreciate your years of service with the former Freeman Corporation but Titan industries has a

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