Something More

Free Something More by Mia Castile

Book: Something More by Mia Castile Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mia Castile
Friday afternoons together after lunch. She liked spending time with him, but sometimes just wanted to be alone. Nyla enjoyed being alone more than most people did. Sometimes in high school, she’d even disappear on Emma and Dex, not speaking to them for days except at school. Ethan seemed OK with giving her the space she needed. She liked him. She kept reminding herself that they were a nice fit, but a nice fit didn’t mean a good fit. She wanted the kind of fit that when you were separated they were the only person you wanted to be with. She wasn’t sure if she’d ever have a fit like that. She hadn’t felt it yet with anyone she dated, not that she dated a lot, only Brad at summer camp. She’d never had luck with boys at her school. She’d hear a rumor that someone liked her, but then it would be squashed by a rumor about her, that she was adopted from a pack of wolves or that she ate her boogers. Her favorite was the time the rumor spread that she ate seaweed that her mom had shipped in from another vet in northern California because it was a diuretic and that was why she was so thin. The rumors faded almost as soon as they appeared, but they made her social life non-existent. Since Ethan stopped appearing and waiting for her, Jamison took it upon himself to fill that role. She didn’t completely mind; she was beginning to like the new Jamison when he wasn’t being too nice to her; that always weirded her out.
    “Are you going home for Thanksgiving?” he asked as he stood with her and put his bag over his shoulder.
    “Yes. I still have to still work tomorrow, but I was going to leave when I got off.” She followed him out of the lecture hall.
    “I was going to go down this evening, but if you wanted to ride together, you know, save gas, I could wait until tomorrow or Sunday even so we could get a fresh start.”
    “Can I think about it?” He slowed to match her pace, walking beside her.
    “Sure, no pressure here.” They walked the rest of the way in silence.
    The next day, Nyla watched the clock, having only a few hours to go until she packed for her week home. She was anxious and nervous, but not about being home—about the ride home. She had decided to take Jamison up on his offer; they were leaving in the morning. Now she was watching the clock because Ethan promised he’d stop by before he headed home. Angela walked a couple to the door and came back to the counter.
    “We should close up early; it’s been dead all day.” She looked at her nails.
    “I’m OK, I still have to pack, but we’re not leaving until the morning,” Nyla said.
    “Yes, you’re going back to Indiana with my boyfriend, aren’t you? No funny business.” Angela wagged her finger, and Nyla stiffened a little.
    “Um,” she began.
    “Tsk, tsk; I’m only teasing. But you will tell me if he says anything about me, right?” She leaned on the counter as the front door opened.
    “Of course.” Nyla smiled at Ethan as he came in returning her smile. She rose and met him at the front desk. He embraced her and then kissed her. She wasn’t a fan of public displays of affection, but Angela had already wandered away. Besides, she had to admit his kissing was improving though it still wasn’t earthmoving.
    “I’m leaving town now. Call me tomorrow once you’ve settled in. I want to hear all about your trip,” he said into her hair as he hugged her close. She easily read between the lines.
    “I will. Be safe.” She hugged him back.
    “You too.” He kissed her forehead and was out the door. She walked to the door and watched him pull away. The crisp fall day blowing red and orange leaves around his car, he gave her a final wave, drove down the street, and disappeared around the corner. She suddenly felt as if a weight had been lifted from her chest. Alarmed, she continued to stare after him trying to determine what it meant that she felt that way. It wasn’t until Angela returned that she even remembered where she was.

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