Garden of Sorrow (Book 4 of Psychic Visions, a paranormal romantic suspense)

Free Garden of Sorrow (Book 4 of Psychic Visions, a paranormal romantic suspense) by Dale Mayer

Book: Garden of Sorrow (Book 4 of Psychic Visions, a paranormal romantic suspense) by Dale Mayer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dale Mayer
to the wall, where he could watch the rest of the restaurant. He didn't look at the menu, choosing instead to order his regular hot sandwich and salad from the waitress.
    Kevin waited his turn, then ordered the special, a hot roast beef sandwich and mashed potatoes. One good meal today would hold him for a long time. Who knew when he'd get home tonight? Besides, if their lunch meeting followed their regular pattern, they'd eat quickly, and then go walk in the park while they discussed personal stuff.
    Sure enough, today was no different.
    Once outside, John led the way into the large park in front of Bradford's Central Hall. Once away from the crowds, he wasted no time. "Any news?"
    "Nothing, John. Absolutely nothing."
    This whole blackmail mess felt wrong. There had to be more to it. Kevin felt it. To this point, the mayor had received threats, but no demands, except to say that the mayor had better step up and tell the truth – or else . It was the last part that bothered Kevin. He hadn't spent all these years on the force without gaining a deeper, darker understanding of humanity. In this case, blackmailers usually had something to use as a bargaining chip. Only the mayor denied such a thing existed.
    The mayor lowered his voice, his body almost vibrating with tension. "Kevin, this is unacceptable. I need answers. Hell. I need more than that. I need solutions, damn it." He clenched his fists, glaring at the bright, sunny gardens surrounding them. "This asshole is going to ruin my life," he spluttered to a stop, then started up again. "I can't sleep for worrying. What the hell is going on here?"
    John, as a politician, had faced criticism and verbal abuse before, but he told Kevin it was never like this. For the last ten years, he'd served the citizens of Bradford well. The public record showed he'd been a businessman in Redding, California, before then. The timing had been perfect for his move here, as the locals here were more than ready to get rid of their corrupt politician. Through the years, John remained a popular figure, easily being re-elected.
    "I'm looking, but I haven't found the answers yet," Kevin stated.
    "Then you'd damn well better find them fast," the mayor grumbled. "Before this asshole makes good his threat."
    Kevin got the message. But he couldn't help wondering what the mayor might be hiding. He'd once probed gently to see if he could find out, but had hit a wall immediately. It happened that way sometimes.
    As he walked back to the office, Kevin's mind once again turned to Alexis. Had Stefan called her? Instinct said he had. A twinge of unease settled in his stomach. Stefan's looks often stopped women in their tracks. It wasn't Stefan's doing and in no way did it affect their friendship, but Kevin found himself hoping that Alexis wouldn't react like all the rest.
    Stefan kept his love interests private, but generally the relationships were short and intense. Stefan had said once that his potential partner wouldn't show for another few years, and that would happen only if she found him. When Kevin had asked for an explanation, the answer had been even more confusing.
    "Energy, like colors or musical notes, have to combine to make the right kind of music, or I don't go there, no matter how willing or how gorgeous the woman is. Especially for a long-term relationship."
    Colors? What did that have to do with anything? It boggled Kevin's mind.
    As did the thought that he wanted Alexis for himself.
    He couldn't help but wonder if Alexis blended with his colors, creating potential to make the right kind of music.
    And if they did, how long before they could start to sing their colorful song together?
    Alexis drove carefully to the address Stefan had given her on his business card. The driveway, lined by tall trees, appeared well kept and normal. She wasn't sure what she expected, but considering what this man could apparently do, it wouldn't be an ordinary home. She followed the curve of the road and

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