Reveal: A Contemporary Romance (Billionaire Rock Star Romance Book 2)

Free Reveal: A Contemporary Romance (Billionaire Rock Star Romance Book 2) by Bella Love-Wins, Bella Wild

Book: Reveal: A Contemporary Romance (Billionaire Rock Star Romance Book 2) by Bella Love-Wins, Bella Wild Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bella Love-Wins, Bella Wild
Tags: General Fiction
Don’t let the bright lights stop you from being yourself.”
    “I feel like a bit of a fraud,” she whispered.
    “That’s because you have been, but for good reason. You don’t owe the public any explanation. There’s only one person you have to talk to so you can set things right. Let’s go do that.”
    Pulling her phone out of her clutch purse, Alexandra got ready to phone Bash.

    SEBASTIAN checked the clock on the wall again.
    “Damn it, Alexandra,” he grumbled, frustrated.
    She had told him not to call off the dinner before she raced out of the house almost two hours ago. Since then, Sebastian had not heard a thing from her about where to meet. Getting Clint out of the house was a complicated enough feat without having to worry about where they were going.
    He silently admitted he was more agitated about the way she ran off without an explanation. He wondered if something might have happened to Maxwell at the hospital or whether she needed help, and then reminded himself she was a capable adult.
    And, it’s none of my business.
    Coming out of the living room, he found his phone and called over to Clint. Beth answered, and Sebastian let her know he would pick them up within an hour. His thought was, even if Alexandra could not make it anymore, he and his friends would pick a restaurant downtown and enjoy the night out without her.
    He got showered and dressed with less enthusiasm than he would have had if Alexandra were coming out for sure. Fully aware his sullen mood was unwarranted, he didn’t care.
    I’m in the privacy of my own home.
    I can be a grouch if I want, after how this month has been.
    He adjusted his tie and quickly checked the mirror before heading downstairs for his phone, wallet and keys. On the drive to Clint’s, there was a tension in the air he could not explain. Deep down, he sensed something was up, and quickly dismissed it as anxiety.
    My buddy and his common-law wife are possibly about to meet the fantasy woman I told them about—and she’ll be dressed as a guy.
    Fuck, no wonder I’m nervous.
    Across town, he pulled into Clint and Beth’s driveway. They were expecting him, because the door opened before he put the Jeep in park. Beth emerged first, and her upbeat smile helped to evaporate Sebastian’s bad mood. Clint rolled out after, and wheeled down the ramp in his electric wheelchair, dressed and ready to go.
    “Hi Beth. Wow, you look great,” Sebastian complimented her.
    Beth smiled. “Thanks Bash. You look great yourself.” she answered, waiting for Clint at the bottom of the steps.
    “I’ve been looking forward to this all week, buddy,” Clint said in a deep chuckle when he made it down the ramp. “I thought for sure you would have phoned for a raincheck tonight, you big flake.”
    Sebastian smiled, getting ready to tell him Alex would probably be a no-show. “Which seat is more comfortable for you, buddy? Do you want to ride shotgun?”
    “No, man. I prefer the back seat, if you don’t mind. Help me up.”
    He opened the door behind the front passenger seat, and with a grunt, helped Clint into the back seat of the Jeep, reaching up for the seatbelt.
    “Hang on there, Bash. I got this part,” Clint reminded him, taking the seatbelt from Sebastian’s hand. “There are still some things I can do myself.”
    “Got it. Hey, do you remember that time I got so drunk after the firehouse Christmas Ball, you had to carry me out and strap me in your truck to take me home? Well hell Clint, I’m just returning the favor.”
    Clint nodded, laughing harder. He remembered. They had enjoyed a lot of good times over the years. Sebastian decided tonight was about having more of those good memories, whether Alexandra showed up or not.
    With Clint inside, Beth reminded him how to load the electric wheelchair into the back, and they were ready to go.
    “Beth, do you want to sit in the front seat?” he asked.
    “Oh, no,” she told him, following him around to

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