Dancing on Dew

Free Dancing on Dew by Leah Atwood

Book: Dancing on Dew by Leah Atwood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leah Atwood
separate sides. Her cheeks flamed and the glare she gave him burned hotter than the midday sun.
    After climbing the steps one slow stride at a time, he pulled out the necessary bills and handed them over in exchange for his dinner. The basket was a hot coal in his hand, but there was little he could do now to save his dignity.
    He’d made either the dumbest, or smartest, decision of his life.

Chapter Eight
    Cicely’s gums hurt from the force of her clenched teeth. Propriety dictated that she share the prepared meal with Joseph. She offered Barry an apologetic expression that she hoped conveyed she was not a willing participant in Joseph’s outrageous winning bid.
    So much for a pleasant afternoon . She’d anticipated the day with great fervor and had expected Barry to ask for a deeper commitment. They’d spent many hours in each other’s company over the last several weeks, and he’d hinted yesterday to a formal, exclusive courtship.
    Not that Barry would ask today, since Joseph had ruined their plans, but when he did, her answer would be yes. Barry was a solid man who would make a fine husband and, one day, father. In time, she would fall in love with him.
    With a stiff back, she marched up the steps, and then to the center where the mayor stood with Joseph. The entire ordeal was utterly humiliating. Ten dollars for a basket dinner! Who ever heard of paying such a ridiculous amount?
    That everyone’s eyes were trained on her and Joseph was bad enough, but in seconds, once their shock wore off, they would all begin whispering and rumors would fly. Goodness only knew what gossip would be circulated by the end of the day. She’d never been so embarrassed in her entire life, and that said a lot considering she’d once lost her stomach’s contents in front of the entire church.
    Turning her head so no one but Joseph could see, she threw another glare his way. What had gotten into him and possessed him to do something so drastic? Her only consolation was that he appeared twice as miserable as she did if that were even possible. Serves him right .
    Together they walked off the left side of the stage. Mayor Richton proceeded with the next basket and the crowd buzzed again. She couldn’t let herself think about what they were saying.
    Joseph carried the basket, but kept a distance of several feet from her. “Where do you want to go?”
    Away from you . “Where ever.” Her shoulders rose in a flippant shrug, then she remembered his daughter and hope bloomed for a buffer between them. “Will Gloria be joining us?”
    “No.” He didn’t elaborate, and walked a far distance from the crowd, past the field and to a secluded area.
    His silence as they walked angered her. He had a lot of nerve humiliating her, taking precious time away from Barry, and then not saying a word.
    Without asking if she found the spot suitable, he set the basket down and withdrew a thin sheet that he spread over the grass. He proceeded to unpack the basket, food she’d prepared especially for Barry. Thick slices of bacon with her special honey biscuits, potato salad sweetened with a hint of sugar, and triple berry pie. She even included a jar of freshly made lemonade.
    When he finished setting out all the food, he stood upright. He started at her without making eye contact as though unsure what to say or do next.
    She’d let him know—she had plenty to say. Putting one hand on her hip, she produced another glower. “Why did you bid on my basket?”
    “I don’t know.” He twisted an arm behind his back.
    “You’re many things, but you’ve never been a liar, Joseph Scott.” Her voice rose with each word. “Why did you embarrass me like that?”
    “That wasn’t my intention.” A smidgen of contrition entered his voice.
    “Answer my question.” The meanness in her tone shocked her, but she continued. “Barry’s a good man who treats me well, and you interfered with that by making a spectacle of this.” She waved a

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