Submitting to Her
to be enough to maintain the affections of such a beautiful
woman than the issue of violating company rules.
    Lowly man. Wow, this beautiful woman was
really affecting me. I was a regular gym user - I'd never had
qualms about stripping off in front of girls before, and I'd been
with countless. Yet somehow, with Zoey maintaining the balance of
power in our fledgling relationship, it all felt more significant.
There was more at stake, I was more desperate to make an
impression, it was more important than ever that my audience should
be satisfied with what I showed her.
    "Mmm… that's better," she purred. "Underwear,
too. What's the use of overstepping the boundaries of employment
ethics if I can't see that wonderful beast?"
    Down came my boxers, and I was suddenly
completely exposed to my boss again.
    Her smile alone thickened my cock, and that
made her quietly catch her breath. God, even showing her the goods
felt a hundred times more significant than any of the girls I'd
been with before. As I dropped my underwear on the pile of my
clothes on the nearby couch, and went to pick up the bottle of oil
again, I felt a flicker of nerves again - I had never been in a
relationship where everything mattered so much. I was really
opening myself to pain if Zoey decided to drop me.
    Pouring some of the coconut-scented oil into
my palm to warm it up before touching her, I tried to repress my
fears - they could do no good now. When the pain came, I'd just
have to suck it up. Having put her through what I did all those
months, I knew I fully deserved it.
    "Maybe I'll keep feeling in the mood to
reward you if your massage is good."
    "Thank you, Ma'am," I said, trying to keep
the emotion out of my voice.
    "Okay, go ahead."
    Facing away from where I stood, she was flat
out before me, her skin pale but smooth, and so soft to the touch -
even before I started applying the oil. I ran my hands over her
back and shoulders, sweeping over her to spread the slick
    "How did your meeting in Annapolis go?"
    "Oh. so-so," she said. "There's an insurance
company over there I was hoping might be interested in Risk
Management, but I'm not sure they're going to bite."
    "Insurance firms are getting smacked about by
the storms - I've had no luck with them for months."
    "They were in International Liability last
year, so I figured they might be open to this," she said. "And they
seemed to be, at first. Took two hours to tell me their budget was
committed through next year."
    I was no expert at massage, but I think I was
doing okay. I was certainly teasing out some sighs that sounded
promising, and even a few moans as I applied the pressure over her
muscles, particularly around her shoulders and neck.
    "I guess toward the end of the meeting, I got
a little distracted," she said casually.
    "You did?"
    "Oh you know, knowing I had you on hand to
brief me when I got back."
    "Do you want to go over the rest of the
    She laughed, "You know I wasn't thinking
about the numbers, right?"
    I coaxed the muscles in her arms, and she
moaned almost as though enjoying a mild orgasm. I wondered if this
could become a regular occurrence, and resolved to track down some
information about how to actually perform a decent massage, the
correct way. On this first occasion, I had only what I'd ever seen
in movies and on TV to guide me - and actually, I remembered a
girlfriend in college giving me a back rub a few times after a
football game, though that had always been more of a pretext for
    It seemed like a straightforward way to make
Zoey feel good, too. I wouldn't say easy, because although I
started off touching her only lightly, I found that applying the
pressure seemed to make her moan a little more, encouraging me to
push more and more firmly into her muscles. Even with the oil to
help me, it was getting to be hard work after a while, but I had
this strange idea that if I could only learn what made her feel
good, she'd want to keep me doing this.
    Oh, guys

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