bed. I chewed on my bottom lip as I stepped into them, then sat down at the computer and checked the date.
    It was, in fact, Tuesday morning. Just as I’d expected. But that didn’t explain why I’d gone to sleep in pajamas last night, but awoke in street clothes today.
    Tennis shoes and all.

    “Oh my God . Is she wearing your letterman’s jacket?” Sana’s disgust dripped from each word. Flanked by two of my former friends, Witni and Aja, Sana stopped a few feet from us, a bright pink-tipped finger pointed accusingly at Rosemarie.
    Never mind that Cam and Rosemarie were now the cutest—albeit, oddly-matched—couple at school; Sana Michaels wouldn’t tolerate their relationship a second longer.
    Sana’s little attack proved that Wednesday afternoon was as far as I’d get to go without any dramatic incidents. I’d pushed the odd Tuesday morning episode from my mind, chalking it up to sleepwalking or the odd behavior of someone half asleep. I’d felt better about the strange conversation with Mr. Greenburg, and I’d managed to avoid any more surprise phone calls from Mick. Rosemarie wasn’t pressuring me to date her brother, so I considered the subject dropped. And aside from the occasional dream about Mick stretched out on my bed, his snug shirt pulled up just enough to expose the inch of hard stomach above his pants, I was doing just fine not thinking about him.
    “There is no way you can actually be seeing her, Cameron Briggs.”
    Sana’s grating voice pulled me out of my musings.
    “I mean, are you serious? That girl?” Sana spoke as if Rosemarie wasn’t standing right there. As if Cam’s arm wasn’t currently draped over that girl’s shoulders, right in front of Sana’s scowling face.
    “Well, Sana,” Cam began. “I am seeing Rosemarie. As I’m sure you can tell.” He pulled Rosemarie closer to him and winked at her, then turned a hard stare back at Sana. “Now, I can understand why you’d be bitter, and you don’t have to be okay with it—”
    “Bitter? O- kay with it? It’s a disgrace, Cam! You are a disgrace! How can you go from dating me , to dating someone like her ? It’s…it’s just not normal. What are you thinking?”
    Witni whispered something into Sana’s ear, and a smile crept over her face in response.
    “Oh my God, Wit, you’re right.” She turned back to Cam. “Are you trying to get back at me or something?”
    Cam laughed, then glanced to where I stood behind him at the driver’s side of the car. I recognized that glint in his eyes—half amusement and half annoyance—and I wondered if he was about to flip Sana. Now that would be something I’d like to see.
    “Yes, Sana, I’m trying to get back at you. I’ve been so heartbroken since our break-up, and I figured the best way to move on with my life would be to date someone who wasn’t such a frigid, Ice Queen bitch . So, how am I doing? Is it working? Are you sufficiently gotten back at?”
    Sana’s mouth fell open before she promptly slammed it shut.
    “Frigid bitch? Ice queen? How dare you, Cameron Briggs? You have some nerve. You’re lucky I dated you in the first place. I shouldn’t have even given you the time of day.”
    “Yeah. That’s how I remember it, too, Sana. Whatever you need to tell yourself.”
    Sana shook her head, inhaling deeply and looking about ready to explode. Her eyes widened, and her jaw clenched, a muscle twitching in her cheek. Her two friends stood behind her with matching expressions on their faces.
    I snorted, causing Sana and her drones to turn their attention to me.
    “What? You have something to say to me, you little fire-starting psycho?”
    Rosemarie stepped forward before I could retort, pushing Sana back so hard she almost fell on her ass.
    “Oh my God!” Sana whined as she caught herself on the rearview mirror of a nearby car.
    “I think that’s just about enough out of you,” Rosemarie said with a smile. “Now, run along before I show you what kind of

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