Strong Signal (Cyberlove #1)

Free Strong Signal (Cyberlove #1) by Megan Erickson, Santino Hassell

Book: Strong Signal (Cyberlove #1) by Megan Erickson, Santino Hassell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Megan Erickson, Santino Hassell
    Nothing seemed safe.
    Garrett: I think it’s no wonder a bunch of strangers are so infatuated with you. You’re obviously doing it for the camera, and that’s what turns you on. That someone is watching.
    Kai: Sometimes it’s like you can read my mind.
    Garrett: Thank God you can’t read mine. Fuck. You’d never talk to me again.
    Kai: I hiiiiiiighly doubt that. Hiiiiighly.
    Garrett: Guttermind 24/7 for rest of my life tbh.
    Kai: LOL Well…I’d be kind of disappointed if you didn’t think dirty thoughts while watching my videos. That’s kinda the point, babe. If you didn’t get turned on, it means I wasn’t doing my job.
    Garrett: Uh, yeah, that wasn’t a problem.
    Several times three dots appeared as Kai typed, and stopped, and typed again. I wondered what he wanted to say. Typically, he fired off messages at a rapid-fire speed. But now? There was a lag between our replies.
    Kai: There is nothing I can say right now that won’t be super dirty sooo…
    Garrett: Is that a problem? I just fantasized about you for a solid few hours.
    Kai: What did you fantasize about?
    I licked my lips, shifting on the bed. Were we really going here?
    Garrett: Watching you. In person. Steady escalation from there.
    Kai: Escalation in increments? ;)
    Garrett: Yup. First I watch. Then I jerk off with you. Then we jerk each other. Then I kiss you.
    Kai: That seems like a de-escalation
    Garrett: Not the way I kiss.
    Kai: That…is…somehow the best thing you could have ever said to me. You hot bastard, you.
    Garrett: I try.
    Kai: You succeed
    Garrett: Maybe one day I can succeed in person.
    Where the hell had
come from? Before he could reply, my fingers were flying over the keyboard.
    Garrett: It’s way past lights out and I need to go. Kill some FWO noobs for me.
    Kai: Later! <3
    * * *
    I’d fidgeted during the entire ride to the mall. The mall. For the love of God, I was going to the mall.
    I shuddered and reminded myself I was going for Garrett. He was going to be on the receiving end of the most awesome care package ever if I could get through this trip. Shawn had volunteered to come along.
    Sure, I could have ordered everything online but that felt like a cop-out. I wanted to hand pick everything in the hopes that it would absorb a little bit of whatever I was beginning to feel for him.
    I was being weird and sappy. But this was the best I could do since I’d probably never see the guy in person
    He thought I was brave, so I could go the fucking mall like a human, even if I’d nearly had a meltdown in the shower that morning. We were two hours later than we’d planned on leaving. Shawn had the patience of a saint.
    He glanced at me. “You okay?”
    “I’m fine,” I said quickly. Too quickly. “Thanks for coming with me.”
    “Sure, I don’t have anything better to do.”
    “It’s Saturday,” I said. “Shouldn’t you be, like, sharpening your basketball skills or making out or underage drinking?”
    Shawn laughed. “That’s funny, Kai.”
    I’d been serious.
    “This guy must be a big deal if you’re willing to go to the mall and buy him stuff.”
    A big deal. Yes, I guessed that was what Garrett was. Talking to him was the first regular human contact I’d had since I’d quit dancing. And he was the first guy to show interest in me, the real me, in about the same length of time.
    “Yeah, I guess he is.” I pulled out the list I’d made, and smoothed it out on my thigh. “So, I researched things to send in care packages. They recommend baby wipes? Like lots of baby wipes. What’s that about?”
    “I heard they use them to clean.”
    I wrinkled my nose. But then, picturing Garrett all dirty and sweaty was hot. Okay, I could work with that. “Anyway, I need to get him a stuffed dog, and some candy, and socks and shirts.” I had a couple of games I’d demo’d and never played anymore I planned to throw in the box. And maybe a note.
    As Shawn pulled

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