I Love This Bar

Free I Love This Bar by Carolyn Brown

Book: I Love This Bar by Carolyn Brown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carolyn Brown
favorite meal. Besides, I told Momma the reason I wasn't comin' home for church is because I was going with you over to the Mingus church this mornin' and we were goin' fishin' afterwards. You goin' to make a liar out of me?"
       "I don't have to. You do a fine job of that yourself," Daisy said.
       "Way I see it is you got two choices. Either get your ass up off that porch and in the truck with us, or else Jim Bob will come throw you over his shoulder and put you in the truck. All you do is bartend and run around the whole country fixin' folks' ailin' animals. You need a day of fun. What's it goin' to be?"
       "You already lied. You didn't go to church with me. What's one more matter?"
       "God overlooks one little white lie. He don't abide two, especially on Sunday. You got to pee, you better go before we leave because it's about fifteen miles to the pond and I'm guaran-damn-teein' you, that truck will give your bladder a workin' out. If you got to go out there you'll be squattin' behind a mesquite tree and usin' a McDonald's napkin for toilet paper," Chigger said.
       "I don't own a fishin' pole," Daisy said.
       "We got a dozen in the back of the truck and we dug worms for bait before we left Jim Bob's place. You mean enough to bait your own hook?"
       "I can put a worm on a hook."
       "Then let's go," Chigger said.
       Jim Bob leaned out of the driver's open window and yelled, "Do I need to come on over there and help persuade her?"
       Chigger shook her head. "Naw, I think I've got her talked into it."
       "Okay, okay, I'll go fishin'," Daisy said. "But I've got to go inside and get my purse and my bag. I better take my car."
       Chigger eyed her suspiciously. "Promise you won't lock the door and stay in there."
       "You got my word on it. I'll go fishin' with you. I just need to get things."
       "You ain't goin' in your car. Whole reason to have a fishin' truck is to go fishin' in it or maybe use the bed for lookin' at the stars at night." Chigger giggled softly.
       "If I have to make an animal run, you going to drive me?"
       "Yep, I am. I can drive a stick shift good as Jim Bob. If you have to go sew up a dog's leg or take care of a horse, I'll take you."
       "Okay, I'm holdin' you to it." Daisy went inside to get her emergency bag and purse. She thought about cleaning up but figured she didn't look a bit worse than Chigger or that rattle trap truck.
       "I wasn't sure you'd keep your word," Chigger said from inside the door when she reached the living room.
       "I always keep my word. Didn't I go meet your momma?"
       Chigger smiled. "Yep, you did. Why don't you leave that cell phone and bag at home today? How long's it been since you just had an afternoon with no calls?"
       "What if someone needs me?"
       "They can call the vet out of Stephenville and pay for a weekend emergency call. Come on, Daisy. One day with no phone or bag."
       "Can't do it. I'll compromise. I'll go fishin' but I'll take my bag and my phone. Couldn't live with myself if something happened and I could have helped."
       "That's not a compromise."
       Daisy picked up the bag. "It's the best I'm going to do."
       Chigger led the way to the truck and scooted across the seat to sit in the middle. "Then I'll be satisfied with that much. Grab a beer out of the red cooler. You look hot as hell and I don't mean in the take-me-to-bed hot, but weather-hot."
       Daisy followed behind her and set her vet bag behind two tackle boxes.
       "Y'all want one?" She brought an icy cold can of beer from a cooler.
       "No thanks," Chigger said.
       Daisy pulled the tab and gulped a couple of times before she hopped up into the seat beside Chigger. "You sure this thing will go fifteen miles? I'm going to be one pissed off woman if I have to walk home in this heat."
       Jim Bob grinned. "Trust me, she's a lot sturdier than she looks. Sounds like a thrasher and looks like

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