Rescued by a Duke
"I suppose."
    He grinned. "Why, thank you. As you've already surmised, I am Lucien. And you are?"
    Sasha bit her lip. What harm would it do to be pleasant to Lucien while she was here? It was bound to be a short stay anyway. Although, she didn't want him to be too familiar with her. Better not to use her Christian name. "I'm Miss Douglas."
    "A pretty name for a lovely girl."
    Heat warmed her face. It was the second time in a day she'd been complimented by a handsome man. Although Lucien's words didn't affect her as deeply as Garrett's had. "Thank you."
    "You're quite welcome." He leaned against the back of the settee and folded his arms across his chest. "Say, I noticed Garrett carrying you down the steps earlier. Are you well?"
    "I… injured my ankle when I… caught my foot in the hem of my dress." She glanced away. "It was so silly of me."
    "Oh, then I assume it's only a temporary setback."
    "Yes, we… I think so."
    "Splendid." His smile was perfect, with gleaming teeth and full lips. His eyes were blue, where Garrett's were green. But the brothers had the same dark hair. He truly was handsome. Perhaps even more so than Garrett. Still, Garrett had something additional that tugged at her heart. Lucien was nice enough, but…
    Lucien stood and walked across the room to one of two large bookcases. "Do you like poetry?"
    Although Sasha could read, she couldn't honestly say she was familiar with much poetry. Her formal education hadn't progressed much farther once her parents were gone. But she didn't want Lucien to know that. She nodded.
    "Would you like me to read to you?"
    She glanced out the window and frowned. Where was Garrett? Shouldn't he be here?
    Lucien pulled a large book from a middle shelf and returned to sit on the settee. "If you're looking for my brother, it may be awhile before he returns." He sighed. "Alas, Garrett is always working and never has time for any fun." He opened the book, its cracked cover emitting a creak. "I, on the other hand, always make time for pleasant diversions." He wiggled his eyebrows up and down.
    Sasha glanced out the window one more time. Maybe Garrett wouldn't be back for a while. Having a handsome man read to her wouldn't be so bad, would it? "Thank you. It would be lovely if you would read to me."
    He read for nearly thirty minutes from the poetry book. Sasha didn't understand all of what he read, but the words sounded pretty and Lucien's voice was soothing. Sasha was annoyed. Why hadn't Garrett returned? Why had he brought her down here to his study if he was going to just leave?
    Lucien closed the book with a snap. "That's enough poetry for now, I think. Did you enjoy it?"
    "Yes. Thank you for taking the time to read it to me."
    Lucien placed the book on the floor at his feet. He scooted a little closer to her and took her hand. "I always have time to spend with someone as charming as you." Leaning forward, he brushed a light kiss on the back of her hand. Something strange stirred down in her belly.
    "What's going on in here?"
    Sasha gasped and yanked her hand away from Lucien. Garrett stood in the doorway, his face red and his hands fisted at his sides. Why was he so angry?
    Lucien stood. "Hello, brother. I was keeping Miss Douglas company while you were detained." He ambled toward the doorway. "Certainly you don't mind?"
    Garrett lowered his voice until it came out as a growl. "Keep your distance from her. I'm warning you."
    "I've done nothing wrong. Miss Douglas was here by herself, and I thought she might like some company, since you were too busy to spend time with her." He brushed past Garrett and left.
    Garrett hurried toward Sasha, sitting down on the settee exactly where Lucien had been. Was the seat still warm? "Are you all right?"
    Sasha frowned. "Of course. What would make you think he had harmed me? Don't you trust your own brother?"
    He ran his hand down his face. "I'd rather not get into details about my brother's habits right now. And no, I don't trust

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