If Ever I Fall

Free If Ever I Fall by Erin Trejo

Book: If Ever I Fall by Erin Trejo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erin Trejo
piano and fuck her to the music we make. I want every piece of that girl.
    Just when I think about her little face her door creaks open. Jenna must not have noticed it because she doesn’t stop sucking. I open my eyes and look towards the door where she stands in her tiny tank top and yoga pants.
    I want to run my hand over every curve of her body in those damn pants. Her eyes lock with mine and I can’t fucking move, hell I can’t breathe.
    Laney's eyes travel down to Jenna before she sucks in a breath and hurries back into her room. I saw the look she gave me just before the door closed. She was fucking disgusted. Shit, I would be too.
    “Get up.” Pulling her hair back roughly, I drag Jenna off the floor.
    “You want to hit the bed?” Rubbing her chest against me pisses me off.
    “No I want you to leave.” Jenna looks at me with a look that could kill. I know how this plays out, it’s happened before.
    “What the hell Gavin? Are we doing this again?” Jenna stomps her foot as I walk towards the kitchen dragging my jeans up my legs.
    “No. This is the last time.” Pulling the bottle of Jack from the cabinet I unscrew the lid and take a big gulp. I let the fire burn its way down my throat before I look back over at Jenna.
    “Don’t do that crying shit ok? This is all bullshit and you know it.” My words are slurring the more I drink but that unfamiliar ache in my chest is starting to fade away.
    “This isn’t over. Gavin come on let’s go to bed.” Jenna takes a step towards me when I almost lose it. After the look I saw on Laney’s face I don’t want Jenna touching me.
    “Get out!” I scream as loud as humanly possible. If that doesn’t give her the hint I don’t know what will.
    Taking another long drink, I watch her stomp her way down the hall before hearing the front door slam.
    Sliding my phone out I send a drunken text to my mother of all people. In my drunken mind, this is a great idea but I’m sure my sober mind won’t agree.
    “Tried that good girl shit mom! It isn’t working out so well.”
    That should do it. I tried to be what she wanted me to be and find a good girl. Well look, the good girl lives in my house and looks disgusted every time I touch her.
    “What the hell did you do? Are you drinking?”
    “Drunk. There is no more.”
    “Damn you! Do I need bail your ass out again?”
    “Fuck off!”
    Throwing my phone across the room, I don’t want to deal with her shit.
    “What the hell was that?” Laney runs towards the kitchen looking like a scared little girl. That’s what she is, a little girl.
    “That, that was my phone little girl.” Laney narrows her eyes on me as she walks closer to the cabinet I’m standing next to.
    “How manly of you to break your phone.” She holds her hand out for the bottle which I pass off to her. Who wouldn’t give this girl anything she wanted? Look at her? She is fucking adorable!
    “You are so adorable, do you know that?” I slur and sway on my feet as Laney takes a long swig from the bottle. Damn she can drink too.
    “You are adorable too but if you keep breaking things the neighbors will call the police. You won’t be adorable in an orange jumpsuit.” Taking another long drink, I watch her. The girl is such a contradiction. She confuses the hell out of me so why the hell does that turn me on so damn much?
    “Police? I don’t care about them. Orange is my color babe.” Laney smiles as takes another smaller drink now.
    “I don’t think so. Why don’t you go lay down and we can talk about your color tomorrow?” Recapping the bottle, I guess I’m finished.
    “I will go lay down just for you Laney. No one else. Ok?” I must be a complete fucking mess here. I don’t even know what the hell I am saying.
    “Ok. That sounds like the best idea we’ve had all night.” Laney sets the bottle on the counter as I stagger my way around her. I can’t believe that I’m this wasted. I can’t even control my own mind.
    “You know

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