Rescuing Rayne
moment if she was about to call it quits, and it would’ve killed him, but he would’ve backed off. Thank Christ she was still with him.
    Sitting up, Ghost straddled her hips and caressed her belly over the tank top, drawing out the moment. Looking down at his hands—and his prize—he slipped his hands under her shirt and ever so slowly pushed upward, taking the shirt with him as he moved. Her belly button was exposed, then the lower curves of her breasts and finally, as his hands moved over both nipples, her entire chest was bare to him.
    She was beautiful. Not perfect, and he knew if asked, she’d probably point out all the areas on her body she thought were flawed. But her lushness only made him harder. His original thought that she reminded him of Marilyn Monroe was right on. Her hips were wide and her breasts were large. Her nipples stood up, as if begging for his touch. She had a bit of a belly, but all Ghost saw was heaven.
    Not able to wait, and while pushing the tank top the rest of the way over her head and over her arms, Ghost leaned down and took one of her nipples into his mouth, and groaned. Her bud was hard, and he could feel it tighten more as he nipped at it with his teeth.
    His hands now free, he brought them down and used one to plump up the breast of the nipple he was sucking, and the other he used to cover her other mound and squeeze.
    He felt Rayne arch into his touch and smiled. Some men might be ass men, but he was most certainly a breast man. Without looking up, he moved to the other side of her chest. He nibbled around the curve of her ample mound and finally looked up to her face as his tongue came out and flicked the neglected tip.
    Rayne was looking down at him with her mouth slightly open and he could hear her quick breaths. He looked back down at what he was doing. “There’s nothing I enjoy more than playing with a pair of tits. And Princess, I have to say, yours are absolutely perfect.”
    “Better than Whitney Pumperfield’s?”
    It took Ghost a moment to figure out who she was talking about. Since Whitney was made up, he could answer her honestly with a smile. “A million times better than Whitney’s.”
    He pulled back and sat up, hovering over Rayne once more. His hands didn’t leave her chest as he continued to caress and squeeze her. “Yours are fleshy enough that if I do this,” he squeezed her mounds together until they were touching, “I can imagine my cock sliding between them.”
    He ignored Rayne’s gasp and went on, shifting so his fingertips were pinching her nipples. “Your nipples are large and stick out beautifully, giving me something to grab on to when I want to do this…”
    Ghost twisted his fingers slightly, loving the flush of red that made its way up her neck. He knew he wasn’t hurting her because her hips were undulating under his unconsciously. A little moan escaped her lips and he could feel her fingernails digging into his hips as she held on to him. Most importantly, she didn’t tell him to stop, and she wasn’t pulling away from him.
    “You are beautiful, Princess.” He soothed both hands over her breasts again, gently plumping them up and rubbing his palms over her nipples.
    Something caught his eye and he leaned in closer to take a look. “Ah, tattoo number one.”
    Almost hidden, and it certainly would’ve gone unseen if she’d been standing, was a small pink ribbon tattooed on the underside of her left breast. There was a tiny purple heart next to it as well. The tattoo was tiny, probably only half an inch at most. Ghost leaned down and licked it. Then kissed it gently, before rising.
    “Interesting place for a tattoo. That had to have hurt.”
    Rayne nodded at him. “It’s for my friend Mary. She had breast cancer and I got it in solidarity for her. The pain it took for me to get it was nothing compared to what she went through.”
    “The woman you texted my info to?”
    “Uh-huh…um, Ghost…”
    “Yeah, Princess?” Ghost

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