The Christmas Top
Chapter One

    “Molly, what am I doing here?”
    Jason Wieland winced at the desperation in his voice and wondered if she could hear it through the cell phone. He glanced around the opulent lobby of the lavishly decorated Las Vegas hotel. God, he couldn’t believe he’d ever considered this a good idea. What had he been thinking? His stomach rolled again and he considered heading up to his hotel room and forgetting the entire idea.
    “Jason, you’re getting laid.” Molly said. “Jon wouldn’t have wanted you to become a monk. You deserve this. You’re only thirty-years-old and it’s been two years since his murder. Have you even kissed another guy since then?”
    He leaned his forehead against the cold marble column he’d been hiding behind. “No, I haven’t,” he whispered.
    Her voice lowered. “Babe, it’s time to let go and move on.”
    “I know, but I’m just not sure about this.” He appreciated his best friend’s concern. “A one-night stand, though? Doesn’t that seem…I don’t know, sleazy to you?”
    Her sigh traveled easily over the phone lines. “We’ve talked about this. Madame Eve has an amazing reputation for finding the right matches and it’s not like you’re expecting a happily-ever-after here. You’re just getting back on the horse, so to speak. Hopefully, for you, that horse is gorgeous and studly.” She snickered at her own joke, but then her giggling abruptly ended.
    He knew what that meant and groaned internally, bracing for her next statement.
    “Although that does bring up a question I’ve never thought to ask before. I assume you’re looking for a stud, but I’ve never asked. Are you the giver or the receiver when you…?”
    “Molly! I’m not going to tell you that.” He rolled his eyes in exasperation even though she couldn‘t see him. “Some things, even for best friends, are off limits.”
    “Okay, okay, too much information. I’m sorry. Don’t get your boxers in a bunch. I was just curious.” Her giggle floated across the phone lines. “Forgive me?”
    “Always. If I didn’t forgive you, who else would hang out with me on Saturday nights?”
    “Exactly, you’ll never find a best friend with as pathetic a social life as yours so you’re stuck with me. Speaking of which, don’t forget you promised to come to my New Year’s Eve party. Maybe you can bring a date. Or even better, I could set you up?”
    His stomach took another nosedive. “Molly, why don’t you let me get through this humiliating experience first before you set me up on another, okay?”
    “Okay. Go have your hot date, if for no other reason than I want to live vicariously through you.”
    He chuckled softly. “I’m glad that I can serve as fodder for your fantasies.”
    “I wish. Do you know how much easier our relationship would be if you were straight? Then neither one of us would have to worry about this. We could hook up and forget all the other drama.”
    “Unfortunately for you, I don’t swing that way.”
    “More’s the pity. But that’s why you should do this tonight. At least, do it for me and then call me tomorrow so I can fantasize about what it’s like to have a sexy guy in my bed.”
    “Won’t you be at your parent’s house celebrating Christmas?”
    “Yeah, but I can sneak away to hear about your night. Besides, I’ll be ready for the break. Mark ducked out of Christmas with the family this year so I’ll be the complete focus of my mom’s matchmaking efforts. Call and give me an excuse to escape, even if it’s just for a few minutes.”
    “Okay, I will.” He straightened his purple tie and his stomach somersaulted again. “Hopefully, I’ll have something positive to share.”
    “Don’t worry. You will. You’re going to have an amazing time tonight. Merry Christmas Eve, Jason.”
    “Merry Christmas, Molly. I know it doesn’t seem like it now, but I’m glad you pushed me into this.”


    Mark Cummins glanced down at the engraved

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