From Now Until Infinity (2)

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Book: From Now Until Infinity (2) by Layne Harper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Layne Harper
Tags: Romance, Contemporary, Sports
through his hair in frustration. “I’m not saying this correctly, Charlie.”
    I stand there helpless and confused. Colin begins to pace in front of me. Walking back and forth. Back and forth. It’s nerve wracking. “Sweetie, take your time. It’s okay.” I try reassuring him again while I stand there watching not knowing what I can do to help.
    He stops his pacing and walks back to me with determination. His demeanor has shifted to game day mode. He’s confident again and determined. “You’re my muse, my good luck charm, my whatever in the universe that stabilizes me. With you by my side, I was drafted to Dallas and won the starting quarterback job from a veteran. Since then, my career has been stagnant. We’ve been good enough, but not great. Now, that I’ve got you, I can have it all. I need you, Charlie. I need you, and only you, by my side to win the Super Bowl.”
    His words are powerful. As a medical doctor, I don’t believe in silly stuff like good luck charms, but the man that I’m looking at does. The man with the most gorgeous green eyes that I’ve ever seen seems to believe that I’m his lucky talisman. My initial reaction is to laugh and explain that I’m just flesh and bones. I can’t bring luck to anyone. However, his demeanor and words tell me that he believes everything that he’s saying to me - that this moment might just be the most sincere moment that we’ve ever shared. Have I finally gotten through all the layers and really seen Colin?
    “Look, Charlie. I’m not saying that the road ahead of us is going to be easy. I’m not an idiot. I know that we’ve got a lot of shit that we need to overcome, but I’m asking you to trust me. To not give up on me because it will be hard. I love you with all of my heart and soul. I want to be standing in this spot with you. I want confetti raining down on us, and I want that picture to be hanging in my trophy room. I can’t live without you. Now, that I have you you’re mine.”
    I have tears streaming down my eyes. I’m overwhelmed by his declaration and that he chose to do it in this spot that’s so important to him.
    “When I win the Super Bowl, if you’re not with me, it will not mean shit.” He concludes while he places his large hands on my shoulder. He’s so determined and serious. I almost feel as if he’s the coach, and I’m his player. He’s giving me a pregame pep talk. “Tell me. Tell me that you’ll be here with me. Tell me that you won’t leave me if I spend too many hours at practice or seem distracted. I need to know that I’ve got your support no matter what even if the media prints horrible stories about us and my fans mob us at restaurants.”
    I don’t hesitate. “Yes, Colin. Yes I’ll be here and celebrate your first championship with you. Yes, I will support you one hundred percent in this journey. Yes, I’ll be your muse. Yes, I’ll stick around through ugly media stories and fangirls. Yes, I’ll be yours until infinity.” The words spill out of my mouth, but even as I say them, I wonder if I can do it. I want to believe everything that I’m saying, but this is so fucking tough. I’ve got baggage, but this man has a truckload. Here’s when the “ what ifs” return to the forefront of my mind. What if there are too many fans? What if there are too many fangirls? What if I can’t take being in his shadow?
    He grabs me and pulls me to him so tightly that I can almost not breathe, but I don’t care. I let him cling to me. I’m in love with him. He’s mine, and I’ll do whatever it takes to make him happy as long as the “what ifs” stay just that and remain “ what ifs.”
    When he releases me, I take a big gulp of air. He laughs and sheepishly apologizes. I stand up on my tip toes and kiss him passionately and lovingly on the mouth. I want to reassure him not only with my words, but with my actions that I mean every word that I said (I hope?).
    “Baby, I think that our time’s almost up. I

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