From Now Until Infinity (2)

Free From Now Until Infinity (2) by Layne Harper

Book: From Now Until Infinity (2) by Layne Harper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Layne Harper
Tags: Romance, Contemporary, Sports
anxious. “I don’t think that I can take many more surprises. Just tell me what it is,” I reply.
    “Well, it’s kind of the reason that I brought you to New Orleans,” he confesses. His body language is radiating unease. I’m not used to seeing Cocky Colin this obviously nervous.
    I motion for him to continue. “I want to show you something. Will you come with me?”
    “As long as you aren’t springing a love child on me or taking me into a crack den, I’ll go with you.” I reply sounding a whole lot more confident than I feel.
    Colin and I walk back to the hotel hand in hand to grab a town car. The closer we get to the hotel the more nervous he becomes. This is a guy that I knew very well at one point in my life. I’ve seen him play in the most important football game of his college career. I’ve seen the behind the scenes Colin before draft day. Me and only a privileged few have seen Colin’s mask slip and realize that he isn’t made of stone. Right now, I’m reminded that Colin’s just a guy like everyone else.
    I can’t take it any longer. “Baby, whatever it is, it’s okay. Remember, I’m yours until infinity.”
    He squeezes my hand and looks at me with those green eyes that capture me. “I’m not good at talking about this part of me.”
    I don’t push him. Whatever it is, I’ll know soon enough.
    I slide into the town car first. Colin follows behind me. To my surprise, Colin announces our destination as the Mercedes-Benz Superdome. It’s where the New Orleans Saints play football. It also houses concerts and other events. I can’t imagine why Colin would be so anxious about taking me to a stadium.
    We’re dropped off at the curb that Colin had instructed. He asks the driver to wait for us and not leave under any circumstances. I’m a bit befuddled, but I continue to trust that he knows what he’s doing.
    He leads me to an inconspicuous door and knocks. A beautiful girl, about my age, answers. She flashes Colin a huge grin. “You’ve got the whole place to yourself for about thirty minutes. That’s the best that I could do.”
    He smiles back at her. “Thanks Gina. I owe you one.”
    Colin grabs my hand and pulls me through a series of mazes filled with offices until we walk out on the cement floor of the Superdome. I’ve never been inside this stadium, but I’ve been in many other stadiums during my time with Colin. I don’t think that I’ll ever get used to how daunting they seem. The fact that Colin’s not intimidated by the shear vastness is a real testament to what a great player he is. He leads me to the dead center. My mind is reeling. I’m not sure why we’re here or why he’s almost vibrating with nerves. I squeeze his hand reassuringly. Whatever it is, we can handle it.
    We stand in the center for a moment. I give him the time that he needs to process whatever thoughts he’s having. He’s almost shaking with anxiety. His green eyes are fierce. Whatever he needs to do here is the most important thing right now to him and to me. I’m prepared to stand there all day, although I know that we only have thirty minutes. Colin is going to have to collect himself. I can’t help him.
    “Baby, whatever it is, you can tell me.” I reassure him again.
    Finally, he seems to get his composure. I’m not used to this version of Colin McKinney. It’s something new for me to process.
    Looking up at the roof, he begins, “This is where the Super Bowl will be held this football season.”
    I squeeze his hand giving him the courage to continue. “This is where Clay won his first championship. This is where I want to be standing at the end of this football season with confetti falling all around me. This is the year that I have to win my first championship. I want it so badly, and I want to win it knowing that you’re in the stands watching me.”
    I smile reassuringly at him and wrap my arms around his waist. He pulls back from me and out of my grasp while he runs his hands

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