From Now Until Infinity (2)

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Book: From Now Until Infinity (2) by Layne Harper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Layne Harper
Tags: Romance, Contemporary, Sports
don’t want to get Gina in trouble, but before we leave, will you dance with me?”
    “Why, of course, sir,” I reply sweetly, in my best southern belle accent.
    He fumbles for a moment with his iPhone before George Strait’s The Chair begins to play. It’s the song we danced to so many years ago at Hurricane Harry’s in College Station. He sets the phone on the ground and we two step where the fifty yard line will be when the Super Bowl is held. It’s the perfect conclusion to my hopefully last surprise.
    At the end of the song, he dips me back, but instead of the chaste kiss that I got on the cheek so many years ago, I get a full on French kiss. I like this much better. There’re no questions about where I stand with Colin. We’re together forever through thick and thin, and we’ll make it work (hopefully).
    He grabs his phone and slips it back in his pocket. We retrace our steps and find Gina on our way out. Colin thanks her for her help, and we head back to the waiting town car.
    It’s only a little past noon, but I’m emotionally and physically spent. It’s not like we slept much last night either. “Colin, do you mind if we go back to the hotel for a little while. I think that I need nap.”
    He chuckles at me and puts his hand on my thigh. “Just a nap, huh?” he asks raising his eyebrow.
    I give him a look of horror. He knows that I started my period. Ummm! Yes, just a nap.
    He laughs and strokes my thigh all the way back to the hotel.

Chapter Four
    I REALIZE that I sleep better with Colin by my side. It’s such a strange concept for me to wrap my head around. I haven’t shared a bed with a man since Adam, and with him I didn’t care whether or not he stayed over. Come to think of it, I only think that Adam and I actually spent the night together a handful of times. I’m lying in the suite bedroom staring at the ceiling wishing that Colin would come hold me until I fall asleep. I hate how needy I feel.
    After counting the seconds for twenty minutes, I put the hotel robe on and walk into the living room of the suite. Colin’s standing at one of the windows staring out at the Mississippi River. His arms are crossed over his head, and are pressed up against the window. His head’s resting against his arms. His legs are in a lunge like position. He doesn’t realize that I’m watching him.
    I’m torn as to what to do. He’s obviously having a quiet moment to himself, but his body language worries me. It’s not the way one would stand if they’re happy. I assumed that his declaration at the Superdome went well. Now, I’m concerned that I didn’t act as he had wanted me to.
    Finally, Colin must sense me watching him because he slowly raises his head and turns to look at me. He smiles at me, but it doesn’t reach his eyes.
    I slowly walk over to him and wrap my arms around his waist and press my body against his back. “Want to talk about it?” I ask in a soothing voice.
    “Not really, but I don’t have a choice do I?”
    “Look, Colin. The more you share with me, the more I feel apart of your life. Remember, we’re a team.” I try to reassure him. God! How many more times are we going to have to have this same conversation? It’s like we’re constantly taking two steps forward and one step back.
    He leans back against me, and I hold him while he continues to stare out the window. Finally, he says, “Mark thinks that we should do an interview together sharing our love story to help repair my image with my sponsors.”
    I pause for a moment and let his words sink in before I speak. “I’m assuming by your body language that you don’t want to do the interview.”
    Colin turns around and places his large hands on my shoulders looking into my lavender eyes. “Charlie, I don’t do interviews. I mean, I talk to the media after games and practice and stuff like that. But, I don’t do personal interviews. Sports Illustrated asks me every year to do some sort of profile piece,

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