Landon (The Love Family Series Book 5)

Free Landon (The Love Family Series Book 5) by Kate Allenton

Book: Landon (The Love Family Series Book 5) by Kate Allenton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Allenton
were in the safe room.”
    “Up until the bullets started flying?”
    “Yeah, up until then. Alice, I’m not going to lie. We’re both lucky to be alive, and we probably wouldn’t be if we hadn’t been in that room. I’m not sure you’re safe with me anymore. I can’t seem to focus when you’re next to me, or in the room, and that’s no way to ensure your safety.”
    “Are you saying you don’t want to protect me?”
    “I’m saying I’d die to protect you, Alice. I’m just not sure I’m suited to run your operation. Not in the way you need. I want you safe, and I almost lost you last night. I. Can’t. Lose. You. Too.”
    “You won’t.” Alice lifted her palm to his face. “We’ll figure this out.” She leaned up on her tiptoes and pressed a kiss to his lips. “I trust you.”
    “You might come to regret that,” he teased and took her hand, leading her back to the SUV.
    Fifteen minutes later, Alice was laughing as she picked the flower petals out of her hair while they walked into the police station. All work had stopped before the door swung closed behind them. Declan stepped out of his office, his permanent scowl planted on his face. Landon’s other brother, Flynn, walked out behind him. Alice leaned into Landon and whispered, “What did you say Flynn can do?”
    “That doesn’t sound good,” she whispered, and they kept walking.
    “Any change?” Landon asked as he approached Declan.
    “With Best, no,” he answered. “But there is a new development we need to talk about.”
    “You can say that again.” Flynn clapped Landon on the arm before plucking a flower petal from Alice’s hair. “Crap.” He shook his head, and his eyes softened as he stared at Alice. “I’m sorry, darling. I wanted to be wrong.” He held up the petal “But it looks like I’m right again.”
    “Right about what?” Landon asked, knocking the petal from his hand. “Start talking.”
    “Not here.” Flynn started walking to the interrogation room. He held out his hand, waited for them all to enter, and then called out to one of the other deputies. “Give us ten minutes and then bring him in.”
    Flynn shut the door and leaned against the wood. “I don’t know how to tell you this.” His gaze met Landon’s.
    “Just spill it. I already told her about all of us. There are no more secrets.”
    “In thirty minutes, when you two leave, there will be a gunman waiting outside. There is going to be bloodshed.”
    “Whose?” Declan asked, his arms crossed over his chest.
    “Alice’s and Landon’s,” Flynn answered. “She’s going to take two to the chest, and he’s going to take one in the arm.”
    “We’ll take them out the back,” Declan declared and moved to shove Flynn out of the way.
    “I’ve seen that scenario, too. There’s more than one gunman, in case the other fails.”
    “Let me guess. There are five?” Landon asked.
    Flynn grinned. “Are you honing in on my premonitions?”
    “That’s how many shot up the safe house,” Alice answered. Declan and Flynn swung their gazes to her.
    “Focus,” Landon said. “Is there a scenario where we get her out alive?”
    “Funny you should ask that. Yes, but you are definitely not going to like it.”
    “Well?” Landon asked impatiently.
    “She has to leave with Best.” He held up his hand. “Specifically, she has to have a gun pointed at his head and they won’t shoot her. Any other way, and she dies.”
    Landon sent a chair from the table careening across the room. “Absolutely fucking not.”
    “Landon.” Alice linked her hand with his, needing the grounding and his strength. She turned back to the brothers. “What is so special about this guy?”
    “I have no clue,” Flynn answered.
    “I don’t know either,” Declan said. “Since I assume you know I’m a lie detector, it’s hard to determine the truth and a lie if the asshole won’t talk to me.”
    “But he’ll talk to me?” she

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