Landon (The Love Family Series Book 5)

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Book: Landon (The Love Family Series Book 5) by Kate Allenton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Allenton
    “No,” Landon growled. “That’s not happening.”
    Alice turned to Landon and her face softened. “It’s the only way.” She turned back to Flynn. “How does Landon get out of here safely?”
    “He has to leave with me in the next five minutes. Anything longer and we’re toast as well.”
    “Then we’ll take her with us.” Landon started heading for the door.
    “They see her and we’re all dead. She’s the trigger. Once the man in the front moves to the back, in the next four minutes, they’ll shoot you too. Right now the guy out back doesn’t know that you two came together. They won’t suspect anything when we leave.”
    “Are you kidding me?” Landon asked incredulously. “There has to be another way.”
    “There’s not, Lan. I’m sorry,” Flynn answered. “You need to tell her goodbye now so we can leave.
    Alice turned to him and grabbed his face, pressing a hard kiss to his lips. “Go. I’ll reach out to you. I promise.”
    His eyes pleaded with her, and she could barely hold back the tears. “Go. Now.” She pushed him toward Flynn, who grabbed his arm and started pulling him toward the door. “Go.”
    Landon cursed the entire way down the hall with Flynn dragging him to the door.
    Alice paced to the other side of the room and stopped. She swiped at a tear that slipped free. “I can lock you in the basement and we can shoot anyone who comes for you.”
    Alice shook her head and turned. “I need this to stop, and Best seems to be the only one holding the cards. I can’t let anyone else get hurt because of me.”
    Declan stepped closer to her, pulled her into his arms, and hugged her. “You don’t worry about us. I’ve got us covered.” He leaned back and looked down into her eyes. “You worry about you. You keep yourself safe, and Landon will come for you. I know it like I know I’d go after Olivia. He’ll come for you, trust that.”
    “No matter what he says, you look at me. I’ll nod yes if he’s telling the truth and shake my head no if he’s lying. Okay?”
    She nodded at the same time the door behind them opened. In walked a deputy with Best wearing a bulletproof vest and his hands cuffed in front of him. A female deputy followed him, carrying a bulletproof vest. She moved to Alice and helped her get into it.
    “That’s unnecessary. I’m not going to hurt her, and I don’t have a weapon,” Best said.
    Alice glanced at Declan, and he gave a little nod to let her know that Best was telling the truth.
    Declan made a motion to have Best’s cuffs removed, and he gestured toward the chair. “Sit.”
    Best complied.
    “How do you know me?” Alice asked.
    “I thought your first question would be why I sent you the thumb drive,” he answered, evading her question.
    “I know why you sent the thumb drive. I’m one of the stolen children. Now answer my question. How do you know me?”
    He remained quiet, and Declan checked his watch. “Answer her question. You two are running out of time.”
    “Time for what?” Best asked, glancing between them both.
    “Answer her damn question,” Declan growled while removing the gun from his leg holster. He handed it to Alice.
    Best’s brows dipped as he watched the exchange. “Let’s just say we’re related.”
    Alice glanced at Declan, and he nodded. Damn. “How are we related?”
    “You aren’t safe here, Alice. I need to get you off the island.”
    Declan nodded again. “Assuming I leave with you, how do you plan to get me off the Island?”
    “My helicopter. I’ve been here since the day you stepped foot on the Island.”
    Declan nodded again.
    The thought of flying made her stomach roll.
    “Where would you take her?”
    “Someplace these thugs would be killed if they step foot.”
    “Where!” Declan slammed his hand down on the table.
    “My home. 514 Brighton Rd. in Sweeton, Pennsylvania.”
    “Fine.” Declan pulled out his phone and started typing a text.
    “Landon Love will be

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