Halfway to the Truth

Free Halfway to the Truth by Anthony Mays

Book: Halfway to the Truth by Anthony Mays Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anthony Mays
before you do, let’s order dinner.” He signaled for Gino.
    “Yes Mr. Drakos, what may I do for you?”
    “Gino, see that we get two more drinks. I’ll be having my usual for dinner and Miss Summers will give you her order. If you’ll excuse me,” he said, looking over to Reese, “I put my phone on vibrate and I’m getting a call that I’ve been waiting for. I’ll be back in a minute.”
    She acknowledged with a head shake that she would be okay, then turned her attention back to the menu as Nikolaus left the table.
    After a few minutes, he returned and sat down. “Sorry to leave you like that. Did you order?”
    “Yes, I got eggplant rollantini.”
    “Excellent choice. I always get the veal parmesan. I’ve tried other things and they’re good, but I usually regret that I didn’t get the veal instead.”
    “You’re a man that knows what he likes,” she said, raising her freshened drinking glass.
    He raised his in return. Anyone who really knew Nikolaus would know that the look on his face belied what his mind was thinking. “Yes Miss Summers, I do know what I like.” He clinked her glass, took a sip, and put it back on the table.
    “Now, tell me the favor you wanted to ask of me.” He folded his hands together and placed them on the table to listen to her request.
    She looked at him intently. “Because I’m the new reporter, I know I’m employed only as long as I do my job well. And, I have my first assignment. I’m supposed to do a human interest piece on dock workers. I thought seeing as how your family is into shipping, you could get me a pass to go onto the docks and interview some workers. I’m really a novice at boats and such, so any help would be greatly appreciated.”
    “Is that all?” he feigned surprise.
    “Yes, really. That’s all I wanted to ask you to do for me. If it’s too much, or too forward of me…”
    “Please,” he said, waving his hands trying to put her at ease, “I’d be happy to escort you myself. We have plenty of dockworkers who will give you a great story. But, you’ll have to do something in return for me.”
    Reese tried to keep a smile on her face but her insides were in panic mode. “And what would that be?” she asked with suspicion.
    “That you agree to have dinner with me another time. I know a cute little place out on Tybee Island that you’ll fall in love with. Is it a deal?”
    Feeling relieved she said, “Deal!”
    Gino arrived with their meals and Reese dug in thankful that her plan worked and that she didn’t have to give up more than agreeing to another meal.
    Nikolaus put a fork into the food on his plate and gave Reese his best smile of assurance just before he took in a mouthful of veal. As he chewed, she was oblivious to the wheels turning inside his head.

    Reese walked up to Doug’s door and knocked on it, while peering around through his window so he could see it was her.
    He signaled for her to enter.
    She opened the door and closed it behind her after going inside.
    “Take a seat and tell me what you know?” he asserted pointing to a well-worn chair.
    “I had dinner with Nikolaus last night. He agreed to escort me to the docks.”
    “Bet you’re pretty proud of yourself?”
    “Yes I am. Shouldn’t I be?”
    “Honey, I wouldn’t begin to know what goes on in that man’s head, but I’m sure you’ll find out. It was too easy for him to accept you and your story, don’t you think?”
    “Look Doug,” she said agitated, “maybe you know his father well, but I’m not so sure you know Nikolaus. I found him to be polite and sincere…”
    Doug leaned toward her and cut her off saying, “And charismatic and magnetic no doubt. Look, I get it. He’s a handsome guy and he’s got money. That’s a combination that most women can’t resist. But I’m telling you for the last time, don’t trust him. The rest is up to you.”
    He paused and leaned back in his chair. “So, when is your big day?”

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