The Square Peg
right here.” He couldn’t imagine stopping his slow, grinding thrusts against Shane’s
    pelvic bone long enough to relocate.
    “Yeah?” Shane threaded his fingers through Ben’s hair and kissed him harder.
    Fuck stubble burn. They were both going to have bruises at this rate, not that Ben cared.
    What he wanted was for Shane to say yes, to give him some hint there was a
    chance of more than what they were currently doing. He’d met guys who wouldn’t be
    the receiving partner, guys who didn’t fuck at all, but kept their activity to handjobs
    and oral sex. If Shane said rutting against each other fully clothed was as far as he’d go,
    Ben would accept it. But he wanted more.
    Shane moved his mouth to the side, breaking the kiss. “Want to make me bend…”
    It took a moment to remember his words to Shane the day before, spoken
    unthinkingly, regretted immediately. Now he was wondering if he’d been speaking a
    wish aloud, because yes, that was exactly it.
    “I want to make you beg.” Had he said that? To Shane, tough-as-nails, hard-as-
    rock Shane? Maybe he had a death wish, but he didn’t feel boring now. Just wild, free,
    and horny as hell.
    Shane choked on a sound that wasn’t a scornful laugh, but more of a needy groan,
    smothered quickly. He tipped his head back so Ben could see his face, the craving in his
    pale eyes, the stark hunger there, a flush of arousal suffusing his skin.
    “Make me…” It hung between them, the inflection at the end almost a question, as
    if Shane had gone as far as he dared and needed a push.
    Ben could push Shane. Oh God, yes, he could.
    “You’ve got condoms, lube in here somewhere. Get them and get your ass back
    here so I can fuck it.”
    Jane Davitt & Alexa Snow
    Shane’s eyes slid closed, his breathing ragged. Ben put his hand against Shane’s
    cheek and ran his thumb over that trembling lower lip, dragging his thumb back and
    forward until Shane whined a protest, arching against Ben, rubbing off on him.
    “Get them,” Ben said. “And get naked too.”
    He didn’t let himself tremble until Shane had left the room. When he did, he had
    to brace himself on the counter with both hands. He was so fucking hard. Ben took a
    couple of slow, deep breaths and unfastened the front of his pants, reaching inside to
    grip his cock in his fist. He couldn’t chance stroking himself, because he didn’t want to
    get any closer to the edge than he already was, and he wanted this to last as long as
    Shane came back and paused in the doorway. His expression didn’t give him
    away—he didn’t look worried or anxious or eager—but every other part of him did,
    and his gaze went immediately to Ben’s hand around his cock.
    Ben didn’t take his hand away, but he did turn slightly toward Shane to get a
    better look at him. Shane swallowed as Ben’s gaze took in his bare skin. Not a lot of
    body hair, wide shoulders tapering to a narrow waist and hips. Muscular thighs. Hard
    cock upright, flushed.
    “Come here,” Ben said, and Shane obeyed, setting the lube and a strip of condoms
    on the counter.
    “Let me do that?” Shane offered, reaching for Ben’s hand and cock. Ben let his
    hand fall to his side, all the permission Shane needed. Shane sank to his knees and
    pressed his face to the front of Ben’s slacks, rubbing his cheek against Ben’s thigh. Ben
    wondered what it would feel like to have Shane suck him off right there, hot mouth
    wrapped around him.
    Shane slid his hand into Ben’s, linking them, then kissed the swell of Ben’s cock
    though the fabric of his pants. “Want to get this in my mouth before it goes in my arse.
    Gonna let me?”
    The Square Peg
    Ben bit back a fervent “God, yes!” and used his free hand to caress Shane’s head,
    the short hair soft when he stroked in one direction, a rougher prickle of stubble against
    his palm the other way. “Maybe. Ask me nicely. Maybe I don’t want to give you
    anything. Maybe I just want

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