The Square Peg
flush went, trace it with his tongue, taste the heat, the need.
    The Square Peg
    Instead, Ben slid a hand up along Shane’s arm. He traced the line of Shane’s jaw
    slowly, then moved his thumb down to rest on Shane’s throat. “You have no idea,” he
    “Show me,” Shane said, and it sounded like a challenge.
    It also clipped short whatever had been holding Ben back. He leaned in again,
    intent on Shane’s mouth, letting his hips pin Shane’s against the countertop. The solid
    shape of Shane’s erection made Ben groan softly into the kiss, and Shane willingly
    parted his lips and let Ben lick his way inside. Shane’s mouth was warm and tasted like
    “What about you?” Ben asked. He bit Shane’s lower lip, then released it, watching
    it go from pale to reddened. “If you don’t want this, with me, this would be the time to
    tell me.”
    “Want it. Doesn’t mean we should.”
    Ben could understand that. He nodded. “Let’s do it, get it out of our systems, and
    forget it.”
    Shane’s eyes narrowed, a sexy fucking smolder going on that whetted Ben’s
    appetite as much as the kissing. “I’m not that easy to forget, but you can try. Course,
    your brain’s gonna be fried by the time I’m done, so that might help.”
    “Promises, promises.” The taunt felt like flirting, the rough edges of this encounter
    just perfect. Sex with Jenson had been smooth, predictable, mildly satisfying at best,
    looking back at it.
    This wasn’t going to be mildly anything. This felt raw and intense, and they’d
    done nothing but stare at each other, kiss, and mouth off.
    “Fuck you.”
    Ben let Shane know just what he thought of that idea with another kiss, combative
    enough that when he pulled back, his lips stung. “Did you bite me?” he asked, rubbing
    Jane Davitt & Alexa Snow
    at his lip with his thumb and checking it for blood. There wasn’t any, but his lip still
    The smirk on Shane’s face was infuriating, but in an exhilarating way. Shane had
    no hair to grab, but Ben could still cradle Shane’s head in his palm and tilt it until the
    line of Shane’s neck was a taut, inviting curve. He set his teeth into that curve and bit it,
    sucking at the captured skin until it felt hot against his tongue. Shane’s hands flailed at
    him, curses spilling out of Shane’s mouth. He might have stopped if Shane hadn’t been
    grinding his erection against Ben’s leg, riding his thigh.
    He eased back when Shane’s hands settled onto his ass, urging him closer, some
    begging mixed in with the swearing, Shane pliant enough against him that Ben knew
    Shane’s head would stay tilted even without his hand holding it in place.
    Jenson had never let Ben lead the dance like this. He’d gotten snappy if Ben had
    asked for a blowjob with Jenson on his knees, saying it was demeaning and insisting it
    happen on the bed, both of them lying down. But Jenson seemed like a shadow fading
    in the sunlight now, a vague memory, not a recent heartbreak.
    Shane filled Ben’s senses, overwhelming him. He’d never wanted anyone this
    much, this intensely. If they’d been in the bar downstairs, a hundred people watching,
    he’d still have kissed Shane like this. Hell, he’d have bent Shane over the fucking bar
    and slid his cock into that tight, firm ass, telling the crowd to hush so they could all hear
    Shane’s desperate, anguished, pleading groans of pleasure as he was fucked.
    The thought of fucking Shane in public, with an audience, made Ben shudder. He
    was caught between wanting to tug Shane’s shirt off him and not wanting to move
    away far enough to make it possible. He settled for shoving it upward and rubbing
    knuckles over Shane’s spine until Shane gasped into his open mouth. It was good to
    know he wasn’t the only one into this; it made Ben a little bit crazy.
    The Square Peg
    “God, I want to fuck you,” he growled into Shane’s ear. “Turn you around and do

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