The Square Peg
to use you.”
    Shane glanced up at him, a flicker of amusement showing, knowing, complicit, as
    if he guessed how new Ben was to these games, and didn’t care because it was turning
    him on as much as it was Ben. “So use my mouth first.” Shane’s fingers tightened; then
    his grip slackened and his hand slid free, coming to rest, like his other, on his thighs.
    “Please,” he said with deliberation, never looking away from Ben’s eyes.
    Feeling as if he were caught in a dream, Ben took out his cock and pushed it
    slowly between Shane’s willing lips. Shane’s tongue moved as he swallowed around
    the shaft, and Ben thrust deeper to feel it, heat and slick flesh clinging as if it welcomed
    him, wanted him there. “Good,” he murmured. “You’re so good.”
    Shane tilted his head a little bit to improve the angle, then pulled back with a soft
    suction that made Ben’s balls draw up. He wished Shane could do this and talk to him
    at the same time. There was something about Shane’s accent that did it for him, made
    him hot and bothered. Ben knew he was in a world of trouble, standing in Shane’s
    kitchen with Shane on his knees, but he couldn’t end the encounter. He was falling,
    only one direction open to him.
    “You like this,” he said, and Shane made a muffled sound of assent before pulling
    his mouth away. Ben’s cock, wet with saliva, bobbed in the suddenly cool air as Shane
    licked and sucked on his balls. “You want me to fuck you.”
    Shane groaned and ran his tongue up to the tip of Ben’s cock, licking the slit.
    That was good enough for Ben. He’d had a plan in his head about having Shane
    put the condom on for him, then fucking him standing beside the counter, but suddenly
    he didn’t care about his plan. He grabbed a condom and smoothed it on, shivering at
    the way the latex felt over damp skin, then slicked his fingers with lube and got down
    Jane Davitt & Alexa Snow
    on the floor next to Shane. He kissed him, just once, then pushed Shane down onto his
    hands and knelt behind him, opening him with gentle fingers as Shane gasped and
    “For God’s sake, get on with it.” Shane trembled and pushed back, forcing Ben’s
    knuckles deeper inside him.
    Ben pulled his fingers free and lined himself up. With one hand on Shane’s hip, he
    eased himself forward through taut muscles that tried to keep him out. “Fuck. God.
    ”Shane was so tight, clenched around him, trembling. “Okay?” No answer. “Shane. Are
    you okay?”
    “Yes.” It was a growl, raw and low, and it made Ben shiver, the urge to shove in
    deep and claim the strong body under him close to an imperative. With control sliding
    through his hands like water, he took a deep breath and drew back, then pushed in
    again, gaining ground. The smooth, tight clench of Shane’s hole felt incredible. Jesus,
    it’d been so long since he’d felt this, and now he wondered why he’d ever let himself be
    persuaded to always be the one where Shane was.
    Though as he reached around to map the thrust of Shane’s cock, the soft, liquid
    roll of his balls, Ben knew he would want Shane to fuck him at some point. He saw
    Shane lying under him as he rode Shane’s cock slowly, languid rolls of his hips, Shane
    tied down to the bed, his eyes wide…
    Throwing caution to the wind, Ben moved faster and more roughly, driving
    himself into Shane’s body with enough force that Shane’s knees shifted on the floor
    beneath them. He tugged at Shane, pulling him upright so they were both on their
    knees. There was something glorious about being able to thrust up into him and bite the
    tender spot between neck and shoulder at the same time, hand still wrapped around
    Shane’s erection to coax him closer to the edge.
    Shane was whining with every thrust and grinding down onto Ben’s cock, but
    when he started to come, it surprised Ben anyway. The dick in his hand pulsed, warm
    slickness trickling down over his knuckles, and

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