Groom Wanted

Free Groom Wanted by Debra Ullrick

Book: Groom Wanted by Debra Ullrick Read Free Book Online
Authors: Debra Ullrick
Tags: Retail
you’re a woman.”
    “Hey.” She slapped him on the arm. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
    “Just teasing you, Leah.” He winked at her.
    Winked. She couldn’t believe her friend just winked at her. Even more befuddling...she couldn’t believe how her heart leaped in response to his wink. What was going on with her? Whatever it was, she wasn’t sure she liked it. “Yes, well, um. I’d better get home now. I have much to do before Phoebe’s wedding. So, I’ll see you later, Jake.” She brushed past him, scurried to her buggy and climbed aboard.
    “What’s your hurry?”
    “Me? I’m not in a hurry,” she answered without meeting his eyes.
    Jake hiked a brow and stared at her. “Okay, Leah. Something’s wrong. What is it?”
    Her hands shook and her insides weren’t any better, but she forced herself to not show any of it. “Nothing’s wrong. I just have a lot on my mind, that’s all. And I really do have much to do before the wedding.”
    His eyes searched hers, though she wasn’t really looking at him. She couldn’t. If she did, he would see everything.
    He shook his head. “Not buying it, Leah. But neither will I push you into talking about what’s bothering you.” Hurt and disappointment marched across Jake’s face. “You got a right to keep your own counsel, I guess.”
    Anger with herself for handling it all so badly trounced over her. Gathering her courage, she looked down at him. “Jake, I’m honestly not sure what’s bothering me, or I would tell you.” She looked him right in the eye, wanting to ask but not sure she should. “Do you ever feel like something’s wrong but you don’t know what it is?”
    “Yep. Lots of times.”
    “You do? What do you do about it?” It was odd being so blunt about what she was feeling. So often, her own feelings had to be tucked away in deference to duty. She took a short breath and pushed those thoughts away.
    “I pray and ask God to show me what it is and what to do about it.” Conviction gripped his words. He looked so settled, so solid.
    “Pray,” she whispered. How simple, yet why hadn’t she thought of that? “That’s what I’ll do. Thank you, Jake.”
    With his free hand, he handed her the lines. “Leah, you know you can talk to me anytime about anything. That I’m here for you, right?”
    “Yes.” She knew without a doubt he was. “And I thank you for that. You know that I’m here for you, too, don’t you?”
    “Yep.” Jake nodded and smiled a half grin.
    After a few moments of gazing silence, he stepped back, out of the way of her buggy. “Better let you go so you can get whatever it is you need to do done. See ya this evening.”
    That’s right. She would see Jake this evening. Joy sang through her leaping heart. She gave him her sweetest smile. “Yes. I’ll see you later. I’m looking forward to it.” She meant that more than even she understood and that scared her. She was starting to realize that she needed to be careful because the more time she spent with Jake, the harder it would be for her to say goodbye to him. But say goodbye she must. Her peace of mind and her very sanity depended on it.

Chapter Six
    D ressed in her blue-violet dress, Leah stood at the full-length looking glass in her bedroom and studied her image. The sheer, ruffled lace around her neck, sleeves and skirt looked out of place in the Idaho Territory. Yet tonight it wouldn’t be. Phoebe was marrying the banker’s son, so everyone would be dressing in their best attire.
    Leah gave one more glance at herself. Then she turned the key on her jewelry box, removed the tortoiseshell hairpins, placed them into her coiffure hairstyle and stared at them. Father had given them to her for her tenth birthday.
    She closed her eyes as memories of that day crashed in on her. Father had been so proud of the combs he himself had picked out. “A special gift for my special girl,” he’d said before tucking them into her hair. He’d stood back and

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