Call Me Cat

Free Call Me Cat by Karpov Kinrade

Book: Call Me Cat by Karpov Kinrade Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karpov Kinrade
bell s over the door rang as I stepped into the warm office and kicked the snow off my feet. When Martha noticed me, she came out, a sympathetic smile on her heart-shaped face. "The police were here. I'm so sorry."
    "Thanks. I have to move. I feel awful with the state of the apartment."
    She waved away my concern. "You've been an excellent tenant and the police explained everything. We're not going to penalize you. But, your car was towed after being parked too long in a guest spot. I couldn't stop it, I'm sorry."
    "I couldn't afford to fix it anyway, don't worry. Thanks for trying."
    She handed me an envelope. "This might help. I couldn't get you the entire security deposit back, but I got you half."
    It was more than I expected and I choked on tears as I hugged her. "Thank you. It does."
    My vision clouded from the mix of emotions pouring through me as I stared at the envelope on the way to my car. I didn't see him until I'd nearly run into him.
    He caught me by the shoulders. "Catelyn, you okay?"
    I looked up into Ash's handsome face, his dimple subdued under his concerned frown. He smelled like leather and peppermint today and looked yummier than he had any right to. "I'm fine."
    "I didn't realize you lived here," he said.
    "I don't. Well, not anymore. I just moved out."
    "Oh. Do you have a moving truck?" He glanced around.
    "No. It's complicated. What are you doing here, anyway? Are you stalking me?" I asked the question in jest, but then remembered my feeling of being watched and took a step back. How well did I really know this guy? I'd run into him so randomly so many times. Who's to say he wasn't some weirdo who liked to follow girls around scaring them?
    "I thought we covered this stalking business. I had some errands in this neighborhood. When I saw you come out of the office looking upset, being the knight in shining armor type, I came to see if I could help." He put on a charming smile that I'm sure melted girls everywhere, but I forced myself to stay frozen. If I melted I might never reform into something resembling myself again.
    "I'm fine, but thank you for your concern. I really should be going." I walked toward the car, willing myself not to look back.
    He reached for my arm and I turned, enjoying the feel of his hand more than I should. "We could be friends," he said, a sad look on his face.
    I hesitated, not knowing what to say.
    He took that as a sign and continued. "I'm not a bad guy, I swear it. Just give me a chance."
    "What if I'm the bad one?" I asked, leaving him speechless as I got into the car and drove off.

Chapter Sixteen
Shopping Spree and Creeps
    SUN PEEKED OUT over the trees, giving us a break from the snow and some much needed vitamin D. I stood in the golden rays like a cat, basking in the almost-warmth as I waited for Bridgette to meet me at the Starbucks at Copley Place. I had no idea why, since a pair of socks at this mall cost more than my entire bank account.
    A sporty red car pulled up and Brig stepped out with a big smile on her face. She blew a kiss to the driver, presumably the new boy toy, and he drove off, burning rubber as he went.
    I walked over to her. "He's charming."
    "He's hot." As if that was enough. She linked her arm with mine. "Now let's get you a makeover, girlfriend."
    "Brig, you know this place is way out of my price range."
    She held up a platinum card. "Daddy gave his blessing for a splurge. He wa nted to do something to help. For instance, buy you decent shoes." She looked down at my feet and sniffed.
    "I can't take money from your dad. Let's just go to Walmart, and I can pick up a few pairs of jeans and sweaters. I'll be fine."
    Brig would have none of it. I had two choices: 1) I could fight her and ruin our day. And still not win. 2) I c ould accept the gift she could afford, forget all my problems for a bit, and have fun with my best friend.
    It was surprisingly hard to choose option 2. I had to remind myself it was okay to enjoy life once in aw

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