The Billionaire's Terms: Prison Or Passion

Free The Billionaire's Terms: Prison Or Passion by Elizabeth Lennox

Book: The Billionaire's Terms: Prison Or Passion by Elizabeth Lennox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Lennox
finish the dance and return to the table. But with his words, the music changed and he pulled her even closer, his breath gently moving the wisps of hair at her temples.
Alicia glared up at him. “Have you always been so autocratic?” she demanded, her teeth gritting at his irritating smile.
“Of course,” he said, chuckling low and deep in his throat. “Have you always been so sexy?” he countered.
“No. And don’t change the subject.”
“The previous subject bored me.”
    She rolled her eyes and smothered a smile. Goodness, when he turned on the charm he was merciless. But she didn’t want to give in to him that easily. He’d been rude and insulting. “And therefore you must have your way in all things, correct?”
“Absolutely,” he replied, grinning unrepentantly.
    She watched him for a moment. Then turned her face away before saying, “I don’t sleep around. And I wasn’t trying to entice Richard.” There, she’d said it. Whether he believed her or not, she didn’t care.
    They danced for a long time and Adam held her close, almost as if he were enjoying simply holding her. Alicia wanted to believe that it might be true. It was definitely accurate on her part. She loved feeling the muscles underneath his dark suit and the expert way he held her and led her through the dance. But she knew it probably wasn’t real on his part. She imagined him thinking, working through all the problems to the business deal he had been discussing with the other men over dinner. The man probably didn’t know how to stop working.
    She looked around, moving slightly closer so she could smell his after shave. It was spicy and so like the man she wanted to taste him. Her eyes glanced up at his and she was caught. The burning look in his eyes told her he was thinking exactly the same thing she was.
    Alicia expected to be carted out of the restaurant right at that moment, but it didn’t happen. In fact, he pulled her closer himself, his arm wrapping around her waist so her body was almost absorbed into his. Alicia didn’t fight the feeling any longer. She laid her head down on his shoulder, her nose almost touching his neck and simply enjoyed being held in his strong arms.
    The phone was ringing on the table next to her and Alicia groaned as she buried her head into the pillow. “Go away,” she called out. But nothing happened except the phone continued to ring.
    She pulled the pillow off her head angrily, willing the phone to stop ringing. It didn’t. “Isn’t there an answering machine?” she asked, the ringing starting to really bother her.
    After the fifteenth ring, she snatched up the receiver. “Hello!” she said, worried that the caller would be someone important. While she looked around for Adam, she pushed her hair out of her face and lifted the sheet higher over her nakedness.
“Alicia?” Adam’s voice came through the receiver.
“Adam? What are you doing calling me?” she asked, puffing the pillow behind her back.
“How else am I going to call you? Where is your cell phone, by the way?” he demanded.
    “Cell phone?” she repeated, thinking hard. It was difficult since she was so tired. Adam was a demanding lover and she had been up several times last night. Glancing at the clock, she realized it was only nine o’clock in the morning. She usually woke about nine-thirty or ten o’clock, getting several hours of uninterrupted sleep after Adam left for the office each morning.
“Yes, those convenient devices that allow others to reach you when you are out shopping or whatever it is you do,” he explained, a tinge of impatience in his tone.
Alicia closed her eyes, squeezing them shut before answering. “Adam, I had it shut off.”
“Why the hell would you do that?” he asked after a moment of stunned silence.
    She opened her eyes and looked at the ceiling. “I had to shut it off because I don’t have any money,” she finally admitted. “I let my apartment go as

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