Hold Me Closer: A Rebel Walking Novel

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Book: Hold Me Closer: A Rebel Walking Novel by Hilary Storm Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hilary Storm
my heart melt and I almost forget what I'm facing.
    A flash of reality hits me and I pull away from his kiss.
    "What's wrong?" 
    "I'm sorry.  I just wish this whole mess would never have happened.  I'm not used to fighting battles alone.  Kayde was always there for me and he would've known what to do.  I'm not even sure I can go back to my house at this point."
    "You're not alone.  I promise to keep you safe as long as there's any danger."  His assurance isn't too surprising.  He's done nothing but prove he's here to keep me safe. 
    "Holden, I can't thank you enough for everything you've done to help me."
    "There's no need to."
    I could get used to waking up next to her.  The past few mornings have proven that she isn't one of those girls that I'm itching to get away from.  I have to practically drag myself out of bed each day and this morning is no different.  That probably has something to do with how the nights go when I have her in my bed.  There's nothing like hot sex every night to knock a guy out for the count.  
    It killed me when she talked about her brother last night.  I know she has no idea that he's alive and I hope she handles it well when she finds out. 
    I decide to make a trip to the store early since I woke up before Aiden.  There's a small store about forty-five minutes from the cabin where I can get us enough supplies for a week or so.  It's a peaceful drive and it may give me time to clear my head some. 
    Thinking about all of the potential problems she may face is a huge concern for me.  When it comes to something of this caliber, usually escaping to the cabin for a few days won’t solve all the issues, but it helps alleviate the stress..  My only hope for a good ending is that the special ops team finishes with the mission and we get word that it's safe for her to return.
    It doesn't take me long to get what I need from the store.  My phone rings as the cashier is checking out my groceries—it’s Talon.  I'm sure he's heard that I've left town by now.
    "What the hell, brother?"
    "Yeah.  Sorry about that.  I had to get out of town quick and didn't have time to catch you up to speed."
    "Well, tell me that you're okay and I don't need to find your ass."
    "Nah.  I'm good.  Don't come looking for me.  I'm at the cabin and everything is working out.  Aiden is here, too."
    "How long do you think you'll be out?"
    "A few days at least, not sure yet.  I'll let you know when I head back."
    "Sounds good.  Let me know if you need anything."
    "I will.  How's the search for the new guy?"
    "Oh, you know.  We're having a hard time finding anyone to replace her."
    "I know it's tough, but remember she would've wanted you to move on.  You have to do it out of respect for what she would've wanted."
    "It's just hard imagining going up without Lilly and Luke on the strings.  I'm sure we'll figure out something.  I keep hoping Luke will surface and we can do this right—with his opinion—because in the end, we all have to like the new guy we bring on."
    "Have you thought of the chance that Luke won’t be back on stage again?"
    "No.  It's not an option as far as I'm concerned.  When I find him, he'll come back.  He can't say no to what I have to say.  Speaking of that, someone thinks they saw him in California.  It was a fan messaging us, but at this point we're taking all of the hints we can get."
    "Yeah.  One day he'll surface.  We have to wait until he's ready or he'll just be a time bomb waiting to explode."
    "Yeah.  It's been months.  I hope he comes around soon so we can get the band back on tour.  I can only practice on Eaven so many times."
    "Asshole.  Spare me your sex stories.  If I have to hear how fucking great your ass drumming skills are one more time, I may borrow your sticks to stab my own ears."
    "Haha.  I would teach ya, but you need to get your own moves." 
    "I think I'm good.  I'll catch up with you later."
    My thoughts are lost

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