Hold Me Closer: A Rebel Walking Novel

Free Hold Me Closer: A Rebel Walking Novel by Hilary Storm

Book: Hold Me Closer: A Rebel Walking Novel by Hilary Storm Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hilary Storm
was keeps flashing through my mind.  I'm just thankful we managed to get out of there alive. 
    "I'm going to pull some steaks from the freezer and fire up the grill.  Do you guys want one?  We don't have much of anything else, so I'll make a trip to town tomorrow morning."
    "That sounds good.  I'm going to go check on her."
    I find her curled up in the bed crying.  Damn it.   I can handle a lot of things, but it makes me insane when I can't fix the reason for someone's tears.  Especially when it's someone that I'm starting to care for.
    "Hey, come here."  Pulling her toward me once I lie down is the only thing I can think about.  I need her to know that I'm here for her. 
    "I'm sorry things are such a mess.  We'll get through it."
    "I'm just tired of losing everyone in my life.  I mean, seriously, how much more do I have to lose before I've paid my dues?"
    "Life is tough.  But you've been through more than most people I know and you're such an inspiration for those who need to know what strength is."
    "I don't feel strong."
    "You are.  Unlike any other woman I know.  It's what I adore most about you."  She buries herself into my chest again and we lay there without movement.  My mind is running just as I'm sure hers is.  The only difference is that I'm trying to figure out how to make her understand why I've kept her brother's secret once she finds out.  In my mind, it's one of those things that there's no going back from, but I'm a little crazy protective when it comes to my siblings.
    I hold her until she falls asleep.  Slowly sliding out of the bed without waking her is tricky, but I manage.  I figure it's a perfect time to talk to Aiden about a plan and to see if he's heard anything about what happened before.  Curiosity is killing me and I can't wait to hear what happened today after we left.
    "Have you heard anything?"
    "Yeah.  They have the last guy and they're trying to get him to talk.  It's a good thing we didn't let them take her.  Those crazy bastards have one of the guys' wives, trying to force the team out of hiding.  The videos they are sending from her are horrid and I'm just not sure how this is all going to turn out.  I just know there's no way we can let them take her after what I'm hearing." 
    "What the hell, man ?  I hope we stay under the radar out here.  How long do they think before the mission is over and will she even be safe at that point?"
    "I'm not sure of the specifics, but we'll keep her safe until we know she's in the clear.  Hopefully by then , she'll have good news to learn and this'll all be worth it."
    I go in to wake her when the steaks are ready and catch myself watching her in peaceful sleep.  Will she be able to see her brother again one day?  She's been dealt some very harsh blows in life and she deserves to know one of the worst ones is actually not true.  I sit on the edge of the bed and watch her face with every breath.  What's happening to me?  How did she get to me so quickly?  It's not my style to fall this hard, this fast. 
    Whatever it is, there's no going back.  I'm all in.  I mean after all I would kill for this girl .  That's a proven fact.  She's giving me reasons to disrupt my ordinary life and fight for something worth fighting for.  At first I wasn't sure if it was just my protective nature kicking in to protect her because she’s Eaven's friend or if it was something that I felt with her from the first night.  She's complicated, but good things are very seldom simple.
    "Hey, are you hungry?"  Trying not to startle her, I brush my hand over her leg as I begin to talk.  She starts to stir, nodding her head yes right away.

Chapter Twelve
    I'm emotionally drained from everything that's been happening.  I'm scared and it just seems like I'm going to be hiding forever.  How will I ever be able to go back to my regular life when it just seems like whoever is after me isn't just your everyday run

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