FBI Agent's Reluctant Lover
perfect gentleman, holding the door for her, helping her manage the babies, and making the day perfect for her. Added to that were the little caresses he bestowed upon her, the hand he kept upon her lower back as they walked through the zoo, the simple way he took her hand in his throughout the day.
    Rachel had gone to sleep with thoughts of Chance on her mind, and awakened to the same. Her desire for him had been banked, but was on a slow boil by the time they arrived back home. He had backed off to give her time, but she wasn’t willing to wait any longer.
    “Would you mind playing with the boys while I take a quick shower?” she asked after they arrived home and fed the boys their dinner.
    “Sure. Take your time. The guys and I are going sit here and catch whatever game’s on.” Chance was pleased to see that backing off the night before had paid off. Rachel seemed more relaxed around him, except when he touched her. Then her muscles vibrated with energy and her pulse would pick up. He was stirring her desire in small doses to a point where she would have to make a decision soon or drive herself crazy trying to ignore her body’s needs.
    Rachel hurried through her shower and then stood in front of her closet trying to decide what to wear. She didn’t want it to be too obvious that she was wanting to continue where they had left off last night, but she definitely wanted to give him the green light. Should she just put on normal clothes and then let her body language speak for itself? Should she dress up a little in something sexy? Ugh! She had never worried about these types of things with Sam. He had seen her at her worst and best – she never worried about enticing him.
    Finally settling on a pajama set Chelsea had given her for Christmas, she pulled on the silky black pants glad to see that her baby weight didn’t show overly much. As she buttoned up the short sleeved top, the feel of the silky material against her palms had her anxious to feel Chance’s hands on her once again.
    She brushed her hair until it flowed down her back and was shining and then applied the tiniest bit of lip gloss. Her cheeks had a healthy glow to them from the sunshine they had received earlier and she gave herself an appraising look in the mirror. She looked happy! She felt happy! Chance was good for her.
    Re-entering the living room she saw that all three boys had fallen asleep on the floor. Shaking her head, she gently picked up one baby at a time and carried them to their crib. She moved on silent feet and managed to get both boys settled in their cribs without waking them up. As she turned to leave the nursery, she saw Chance leaning against the doorjamb.
    His eyes made a leisurely path down her body and then back up, a smile tipping the corner of his mouth up in a sexy grin.
    She returned his grin, slowly walking towards him. He backed out of the doorway, allowing her to close the door softly. Reaching up, he ran a hand down her hair and then down her arm, fingering the silky material as he went. “Did you have fun today?” he asked softly.
    Rachel nodded, “Yes. Thanks for taking us.”
    Chance nodded once, he eyes straying to the buttons of her shirt. His fingers itched to undo them one at a time, revealing the smooth skin and curves hidden beneath. He brought one hand up and played with the top button while looking deep into her eyes. Slowly, he slid the button free and let his fingertips graze the flesh newly revealed.
    Rachel gasped at the first contact of his hand against her bare skin. She needed more. She wanted to feel him touching all of her body. Taking his hand, she pulled him towards her bedroom.
    Chance followed her, knowing that before things went too far they needed to talk. When she pulled him to the side of the bed and then went to pull his t-shirt from his waistband, he grabbed her hands in his and held her firm.
    “Rachel, we need to talk.”
    “I don’t want to talk.”
    “But we need to. I wasn’t

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