FBI Agent's Reluctant Lover
kidding around last night when I told you I wanted a future with you. Today only confirmed that to me. And as much as I want to lay you down on this bed right now, I won’t unless you can tell me you feel the same way.”
    Rachel looked at him and sighed, “I want to be honest with you. I’ve never felt this way before. But today showed me that I don’t have to be alone.”
    Chance nodded, “You have a wonderful life waiting for you and the boys.”
    “But I don’t want to share that life with just anyone. I can’t explain it, but I feel connected to you in ways I never did with Sam.”
    “And, does that still bother you?” Chance asked, watching her face to see if she was being honest with herself.
    “It did. Earlier. But you asked me if Sam would want me to stay single, and the answer is ‘No’. He cared too much about my happiness to be that selfish. He would want me to move on with my life and find someone to not only share myself with, but our beautiful boys.”
    Rachel looked at him, wondering if she should ask the most pressing question in her mind. Seeing that Chance was open to her, she asked, “Could you ever see yourself becoming a dad to someone else’s kids?”
    Chance had known this conversation would have to take place and he only hoped that he hadn’t misjudged her. Pulling her to sit on the bed next to him, he took her hands in his, “Rachel, I can’t have kids of my own. I was sick when I was younger and ran a really high fever. That and the infection rendered me sterile.”
    Rachel watched him with compassion, “I’m sorry.”
    “Don’t be. I came to terms with that a long time ago. But it’s important to me that you know I can’t ever give you another child.”
    “Chance, I know this probably sounds rash, but I really don’t see myself ever wanting to have any other children. My pregnancy with the twins was hard, and frankly, I’m not dealing very well with them at the moment. I don’t see that I would ever want to have more kids.”
    Chance looked at her and once again was reminded how perfect she was for him. “Then, to answer your question – I adore your boys already. I love kids, but those two little guys have already stolen a piece of my heart. If you gave me the chance, I would love to be a part of their lives as they grow up.”
    “That’s good to know.” Rachel was silent as she wondered for the umpteenth time how she had gotten so lucky to have this man come into their lives.
    “I’m not saying that we need to get married right away, or anything, but I would definitely want that discussion on the table sometime in the future if things continued like they have been.”

Chapter 16
    “I would be open to that discussion down the road.” Rachel let her eyes wander down to his mouth and remembered the feel of it against her own. Not taking her eyes from his lips, she asked, “Was that everything we needed to discuss?”
    Chance chuckled, seeing where her attention had drifted, “Yes.”
    “Good. Then shut up and kiss me again,” she demanded.
    “With pleasure.” Chance took advantage of their position on the bed and gingerly leaned her back until she was laying on the mattress. Leaning over her, he placed his lips upon hers, kissing her with gentle sips and flicks of his tongue against her closed lips.
    “Open up and let me in,” he whispered to her. When she complied, the kiss exploded into a mesh of teeth and tongues and lips. Her moans spoke of her rising pleasure and he let his hands roam across her body, learning her curves more intimately as he unfastened the remaining buttons of her shirt.
    Rachel pulled his t-shirt from his waistband, loosing herself in the feel of his smooth muscles against her palms. Pulling at the shirt, she was pleased when he pulled away from her briefly and yanked the shirt over his head. He took a few seconds to separate the folds of her unbuttoned top and the feel of his chest, with the crisp hair and hard muscles,

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