Burning Desires (Blue Bandits MC Book 4)

Free Burning Desires (Blue Bandits MC Book 4) by Michelle Woods

Book: Burning Desires (Blue Bandits MC Book 4) by Michelle Woods Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Woods
there with her friend as she stood in the hall. The other was a blonde who looked a little green like she was going to be sick and Kelsey figured she’d had too much to drink and was about to vomit. Kelsey didn’t feel like cleaning up vomit from the floor tonight any more than she did any other night.
    “You should take her outside, it might help if she gets some fresh air,” Kelsey told the woman who was rubbing her friend’s back.
    “We’re fine. Thanks for the advice,” the friend snapped, not seeming very grateful that she tried to help them at all. Kelsey wasn’t in the mood to stick around and help someone who obviously didn’t want her help. That in mind, she nodded curtly and walked a little farther down the hall entering the bathroom. Fuck, there was a line .
    After waiting in line to relieve her bladder, she washed her hands and looked at herself in the mirror. Five women were still lined up near the door and she smiled slightly as she watched one move back and forth from one foot to the other, remembering she’d been doing it only moments ago while waiting for the bathroom. She washed a dirt smudge off her face and exited the bathroom behind two other women, walking slowly towards the door again, not in any hurry to get back to the inventory.
    She was halfway to the back when she noticed the two women she’d seen when she headed to the bathroom were still there, only now two men were with them. Both were wearing Blue Bandits vests and stood with their backs to her. Kelsey paused a few feet away, for some reason feeling her stomach twist into knots. She didn’t know why but she was feeling nervous suddenly.
    She knew that neither man was Hammer because she’d been on two other dates with him and she would have recognized him even from the back, but something about the one with brown hair was familiar and it sent a chill of foreboding down her spine.
    “I’m not sure what’s wrong with her. I know that Kitty didn’t get this way from drinking because she can drink me under the table. Someone drugged her or poisoned her,” one woman was hissing at the two men.
    “How?” the man closest to Kelsey commanded and the voice sent a little shiver over her, making her cross her arms and take a step back. Kelsey didn’t know what the hell was wrong with her but she wasn’t going to stick around to find out. Only her feet wouldn’t seem to move; it was like she was frozen in place. Her heart pounded in her ears as her eyes watched the scene play out before her, unable to move or look away.
    “I don’t know but––” the woman’s voice trailed off as she glanced over the man’s shoulder and glared at Kelsey. “Is there some reason you’re standing there gawking?” the woman demanded.
    Kelsey wanted to sink into the floor and just disappear. The man whose voice had sent chills down her spine had snapped around, his steely blue eyes landing on her, and she suddenly realized why she’d been affected by his voice.
    It was Burner.
    Kelsey watched him warily as his eyes pinned her to the spot. She was hearing her pulse pumping through her like a drum. Her hands felt sweaty and her eyes darted away from his because the way he looked at her with those narrowed eyes made her even more nervous. She took another step back, wanting to flee.
    Burner took a step towards her and threw over his shoulder at the other man, “Torch, take the girls over to Lance’s and have him check Kitty out. Let me know what he says.” He moved closer and Kelsey took another step away, feeling fear spike inside her.
    “Burner, you can’t just send us over there and not handle whatever happened here,” the woman who’d been talking protested.
    Burner ripped his eyes away from her and turned back to the other woman. Kelsey decided that was her cue to get the hell out of the hallway while he was distracted and moved to rush past the small group.
    “I’ll handle it, just go to Lance’s place and get Kitty checked out,”

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