Burning Desires (Blue Bandits MC Book 4)

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Book: Burning Desires (Blue Bandits MC Book 4) by Michelle Woods Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Woods
Burner growled.
    Kelsey was past the group and could see the door looming only a step or two ahead of her when a hard hand curled around her upper arm. The fingers seemed to dig into her skin and a voice just above her and near her ear whispered, “Oh no, little girl, you’re not getting away that easily.”
    Kelsey felt a sharp spike of fear and she tried to jerk her arm away from his tight hold but he wouldn’t release her.
    “Burner, you think she’s involved?” Torch asked him.
    “No, just take the girls and go. I’ll look into what happened here. Now go,” Burner growled and Kelsey tried again to escape him, to no avail.
    “All right. Come on, let’s go.”
    Kelsey watched as the two women and the man who’d been with Burner brushed past them. The woman glared at her as she went by, making Kelsey wish she could shoot her the finger for being such a bitch.
    “You need to let me go,” Kelsey growled, turning to glare at him over her shoulder.
    Burner snorted and pushed her forward towards the door to the back room, shoving it open and guiding her inside with his hand on her arm. When they were in the room, he pushed her into the wall near the door before kicking it shut. Kelsey glowered up at him, her indignation overriding her fear enough for her to snap at him.
    “You have no right to shove me around like this. Now let me go, damn it,” Kelsey demanded hotly, her eyes narrowed.
    Burner didn’t even blink as he pressed closer to her, his eyes deepening to an indigo as he glared down at her. Kelsey shoved at his shoulders trying to move him back from her, her heart beating a mile a minute and her hands trembling as her insides shook with uncertainty. She felt desire flow through her and tried to push it away because it wasn’t a good idea with a man like him.
    “You shouldn’t be here. I told you to stay away from me and my club, that you weren’t able to handle it, and what the hell do you do instead? You come here looking for trouble. Well you’ve found it and tonight I’m not feeling generous like I was the last time we met.” Burner was holding her hands over her head pressing them to the wall, having grabbed them to prevent her from shoving him again.
    Kelsey could barely hear anything over the rushing of her pulse that seemed to throb throughout her body as she pressed into the wall to get away from him. Her eyes darted around and she considered screaming to escape from him but couldn’t seem to utter a sound. She wanted to tell him that she owned this bar and that he was full of himself if he thought she was following him around. That was just freaking crazy and very conceited. Burner must think highly of himself if he thought she was following him like a damned puppy seeking attention. She couldn’t seem to get any of that out around the lump that had formed in her throat though as she panted and glared at him.
    “I––I didn’t come here looking for you!” Kelsey finally managed to stutter, unable to get more out, her voice having ended on a squeak.
    “I just bet you didn’t, sweetness. I’m sure you were looking for Hammer but you found me instead. You should have run when you had the chance, little girl.” Burner leaned closer pressing into her, allowing her to feel the thick ridge of his cock against her stomach and he transferred her hands into one still holding them above her head. Kelsey knew that she should slam her knee into his groin to get away from him but suddenly she was frozen again and the scent of leather and man teased her senses.
    “You had better let me go or I’ll scream my head off,” Kelsey finally managed to pant out, her lips parting as she felt his hand slide under her hair tilting her head slightly, his mouth moving closer to her ear.
    “I don’t think so, but go ahead and try,” Burner whispered, his breath teasing her ear as he leaned forward, his face buried in her neck.
    The warm whisper sent shivers of a different kind down her spine and she

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