I Know What Love Is

Free I Know What Love Is by Whitney Bianca

Book: I Know What Love Is by Whitney Bianca Read Free Book Online
Authors: Whitney Bianca
and, with all of me, I wanted him to come. If he took me with him, then so be it. I moved with him, drawing his pleasure out of him like an exorcism. My own orgasm snuck up on me, blossoming slowly as he worked his lips and teeth against my throat. I threw my head back as I lost control, but I didn't let myself feel guilty. That night, I was willing to be collateral damage, if it meant I would have a chance for a better tomorrow.

Chapter Seven
    H e came hard into me, seconds after he rubbed my clit until I imploded again, grinding against him like my life depended on it. Shaking, a manic feeling shimmering under my skin, I collapsed into him, and he cradled me against his chest, laying me softly on my side on the couch.
    I closed my eyes and forced my breathing to even out as he fell into a deep, sex-satiated slumber. My heart was going triple time, but I pressed my hand to my chest, willing it to slow. I didn't want him to feel it beating. I didn't want to give away how nervous and scared I really felt.
    Hours passed, the TV bathing the living room in a flickering blue glow. He lay beside on the couch, his chest to my back, his arm flung over my hip and his leg tossed over mine. I was sweating and shaking, but I was ready to do whatever I had to do. His breathing had been steady for a long time. He was snoring softly, and I hoped he was as deep of a sleeper as I needed him to be. Too bad he wasn't a drunk, then he would have been dead to the world.
    Biting down on my lip, I scooted closer to the edge of the couch. Then I froze, waiting for any reaction from him. Nothing. Again, I moved another inch closer to the edge. He let out a sigh, but didn't wake. I hooked a leg over the couch, putting my foot on the floor. My heart was in my throat, but he didn't stir. Finally, I slid out from under his heavy limbs and lowered myself soundlessly onto the soft carpet. The couch frame groaned slightly at the pressure and again I froze, the sound loud as hell in my super sensitive ears. I sat there for a full minute, so scared I couldn't move. Then I forced myself to scoot back on my ass toward his jeans.
    The leash pulled taut against my neck, and I realized I was still tethered to him. He had the rope wrapped around his hand. My fingers found the knot at my throat. It was a complicated knot that he'd probably learned in the navy or the boy scouts or something. Shit . I felt panic rising in my chest. Telling myself to calm down, I began to work at the knot. My nails were ragged and broken, but there was still enough length on them for me to get a good hold. After a few moments that felt like hours, the smaller part of the knot came free. The bigger part was easier, and I almost couldn't believe it when the rope dropped into my lap.
    Gnawing at my lip, I slid back on my ass until I reached his jeans. I kept my eyes on him as I wrapped the jeans into a ball, not wanting the jangling of the keys to wake him. I found his shirt a few feet away and grabbed that too, along with my boots. I scooted toward the kitchen, keeping my eyes on him. His naked body was pale in the light, stretched out as he slept. But sleep didn't make him any less dangerous.
    He was a dragon and I knew he'd be deadly if roused.
    When I reached the kitchen, I pulled myself to standing, slowly, soundlessly. I backed up toward the door, sliding his black shirt over my head. It smelled like him, but I ignored that. I turned toward the door and nearly jump a foot. I clenched my arms just in time, barely preventing my boots and his jeans crashing to the floor. Elliot's cat was sitting in the corner of the kitchen, silver eyes staring up at me. I let out of a puff of air, wishing I could strangle the little jerk. The cat had almost ruined everything.
    Muffling the sound of the keys in the balled up jeans, I extracted them from his pocket. Luckily for me, he wasn't one of those types that carried around a million keys, half of which didn't even unlock anything. He had

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