Avenging Amethyst (Immortal Eyes)

Free Avenging Amethyst (Immortal Eyes) by Kaitlyn Price

Book: Avenging Amethyst (Immortal Eyes) by Kaitlyn Price Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kaitlyn Price
keep us sane. It doesn't seem to affect them at all
    "So, it's
like magic?"
    "In a
sense, yes. Maybe it truly is. Some people believe it was a gift from Fairies
many years ago. If that was the case, then it really would be magic."
    "So Fairies
really do exist?" I had to ask every chance I got. It was still too hard
to believe that mythical creatures were real.
    I shook my head.
"It's just so hard to believe. Elves and Werewolves are real too?"
    "They sure
    "Oh so
you’ll believe Rema but not me?" Felix said. I know he was joking
but he looked almost offended.
    "I just
want more people to confirm it. I think the more I hear it the easier it gets
to accept. It proves that you're not just some escapee from an insane asylum
and that I'm not going crazy either."
thought I was a crazy person?"
I started, but Rema cut me off.
    "Now, now,
no need to argue. I can understand you're reasoning," she told me.
"No one alive today has ever met a Lovac that was raised as a human. It's
happened of course, but it's rare. This is a new experience for all of
    "Are there
any records of how well the other human-raised Lovac did during training?"
    "I'm not
sure if they did train. I think most of them just lived at headquarters until
the darkness took them. They definitely didn't have the determination you
    "Great. So
I'm basically a guinea pig."
think of it as a bad thing," Felix told me.
We're all learning here. And speaking of that. I think we should actually start
the training session soon. I wish I could sit here and answer all of your
questions but we have a bit of a time crunch. I have council meetings after
dinner every day."
    "Okay, what
do I need to do?"
    "Felix told
me that you can sense when someone is using their magic on you?"
    I had completely
forgotten about that but I recalled the strange tingling in my head when Felix
used his power on me. "Yes. I think. He tried to influence me I felt a
tingle in my head."
you'll probably be able to tell when I'm using my power. Keep that in mind when
we start. I'm going to push some darkness on you and you need to concentrate as
best as you can to block it out. Some people say that they can feel the
darkness moving around in their head. Try to latch on to it and put up a mental
barrier to block it out."
sounds a lot easier than it's probably going to be," I said, dreading the
thought of having so much darkness in my mind.
is." Felix shifted uncomfortably. "Darkness does different things to
different people. It's always morphing into something else and it can be a huge
pain to latch on to. It's possible to block it out but it's mentally exhausting
and takes a lot of concentration. That's why it normally appears during sleep.
We're more vulnerable then."
    Rema nodded in
agreement. "Are you ready to give it a try?"
    I nodded but I
wasn’t sure if I really would be ready.
    Rema and I both
took deep breaths and concentration washed over our faces. I closed my eyes,
thinking it would help. I felt a slight tingle in the back of my mind and I
braced myself. However, no amount of bracing would prepare me for what
happened. I started to feel like I was burning. My eyes shot open and I saw
flames covering every inch of my skin. I could feel the heat and the smell of
burning flesh and hair filled my nostrils. I completely forgot where I had been
or who I had been with. My mind was consumed with fear and concern for my
burning body. I screamed and very faintly heard a male voice tell me to
    How the hell was
concentrating supposed to help put the flames out? I couldn't think about
anything other than how badly it hurt. Then I felt the tingling sensation in my
head. What did that tingling sensation mean again?
    Concentrate, I heard that male voice say
again. I knew that voice. Felix! He was using his power to help me concentrate.
To help me concentrate on blocking out the darkness. My mind finally

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