Take It - Part Two

Free Take It - Part Two by DJ Stone, B.E. Raj

Book: Take It - Part Two by DJ Stone, B.E. Raj Read Free Book Online
Authors: DJ Stone, B.E. Raj
nervous as he weaves his way from my mother’s house toward the quiet roads, leading farther away from the city.
    “I’m just looking forward to spending some time alone with you. You’ve been so amazing, and I want to thank you for it.” I was up most of the night because every time I closed my eyes the scenes that filled my head were so sultry I could hardly breathe. Pierce puts his hand to my cheek and brushes my hair aside. Catching his wrist, I keep his hand close to my face. I kiss the back of his hand and consider sucking one of his large tan fingers into my mouth, but that’s no way to start this. It needs to be more organic than that. I don’t want to force it. We’re two grown people with needs; get us alone on a blanket and nature will take its course. I release his hand, and it rests on my thigh for a moment.
    “You don’t need to thank me for anything. You don’t owe me, but I’m glad we’re going to have lunch. I want to know you better.”
    Not being able to tell if his words have a sexy double entendre is killing me. But even the most respectful man can’t deny a woman who so willingly throws herself at him. Right?
    “You’re going to love this park,” Pierce continues as we pull past a large sign, announcing today’s events. A fair. Not what I was hoping for. Affair. Yes. A fair. No.
    “It looks pretty busy here today,” I say, feeling my hopefulness deflate. I doubt we’ll be able to get much hot steamy lovemaking done between the bounce houses and the food vendors. With Harrison, that wouldn’t have stopped us from finding a quiet spot to push the boundaries of what is acceptable, but Pierce doesn’t seem to be nearly as adventurous.
    “There’s a picnic area over the hill that’s pretty quiet even on a busy day like this. We’ll still have plenty of privacy to talk.”
    “You want to talk?” I ask, crossing my legs to tamp out my blaze of excitement I’m now having to tamp out.
    “Isn’t that what people do on dates?” Pierce laughs, and I want to show him what Harrison and I did on our first date.
    A few minutes later we’re tugging at the corners of the blanket Pierce brought and finding rocks to hold the edges in place against the breeze. “It’s beautiful here,” I say. Maybe there is more here than just fucking. Maybe a gorgeous park and a picnic with an interesting and good-looking man can offer its own kind of pleasure. Yes, I’m working to convince myself.
    “So,” Pierce starts as he hands me a plate and begins dividing up the cheese and crackers and fruit he’s packed. “You seem like you’re doing pretty well. How have you been feeling?”
    “I’m sick of this stupid boot, but other than that most of my bruises are fading and the cut on my cheek looks better than I thought it would.”
    “That’s physically; how are you feeling inside? You went through quite a bit and that first time I saw you after the accident you implied you were really struggling through a rough patch. Do you feel like you’re ready to get back out there and tackle life again?”
    “What life?” I ask, shrugging pathetically. “I don’t really know what I’m going to do for work or a car. I mean I have some savings, but if I went out and bought something right now it would wipe that out. I have no clue what to do next. How exactly am I supposed to get out of my mom’s place without a job?”
    “So it sounds like you have your solution right there: get a job first.” Pierce is lounging back now, resting his weight on his elbow as he flexes his large bicep, and it’s distracting me. I want to tackle him, yank his pants down, and mount him. My gut tells me, even with my poor judgment lately, that the mom kicking a soccer ball around with her son might take exception to that.
    “It’s really complicated, Pierce. The day of the accident, I got fired. I was with this guy, and I made some really stupid choices. He ruined me. I can’t just bounce right back from that. I

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