Dimitri's Moon

Free Dimitri's Moon by Aliyah Burke

Book: Dimitri's Moon by Aliyah Burke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aliyah Burke
rolled to his side, keeping Landi pressed close to him. His lips brushed over her forehead. Her rapid heartbeat ham-mered against his chest. Tightening his arms around her, he stared across the dimly lit living room. The rich smell of all the flowers still filled the air. They remained silent, just allowing their breathing to slow along with their heartbeats.
    Landi’s hand began stroking up and down his side. Dimitri felt himself growing harder within her. Her warm breath drifted across his chest; but when her tongue snuck out and laved across his nipple, his body jerked with want.
    “Landi,” he rumbled deep in his throat.

    Dimitri's Moon
    “Shut up, Dimitri,” she ordered before her teeth grazed his tight nipple.
    A primitive roar built up from the depths of his chest. Rolling more, he lay on his back and watched Landi, in all her beauty, rise above him and begin to ride his rapidly hardening erection.
    For the rest of the night, Dimitri made love to Landi all throughout her apartment. He thrust into her against the cold sliding glass door that led to her balcony as the sun came up over Central Park and welcomed the start of a brand new year. Her scream of pleasure resonated through him and he came with a low roar. Her body sank into him. With care, Dimitri carried her back to her bedroom and placed her exhausted body in her bed.
    After covering her up with the comforter, he walked back through her apartment to shut off lights and double-check the locks on her door. Padding silently back to her bedroom, Dimitri stopped in the doorway and stared at her sleeping body. He was beat, but part of him was scared of going to sleep for fear he might miss something.
    There was one light on in the room and it bathed her with a gentle glow. Her thick lashes lay against her smooth cheeks. She was on her back, one arm on top of the white-and-pink comforter, and the other beneath it. She looked totally at peace.
    He shut off the light and walked to the bed. The early-morning light filtering in through her sheer curtains guided his way. Pulling back the comforter, he slid in beside her.
    Rising up on his elbow, he trailed his fingers through her silken hair. With one thumb he traced her eyebrows, moved down the bridge of her nose, and skimmed over her full lips, which were still a bit swollen from his earlier kisses.
    She never awakened. Her breathing remained deep and even.
    Dimitri couldn’t stop touching her. It was almost like a dream; and if he stopped, he just knew he would wake up and find himself alone again.
    “I never should have let you go, Ilanderae Rogue Nycks. Never,” he whispered as he brushed his lips over one closed eye.
    For a while he lay there, head propped up on his hand and watched Landi sleep. Occasionally, he touched her softly or brushed kisses across her smooth skin.
    Eventually, Dimitri got up and took a shower. As he dried himself off, he snuck another glance at Landi. She still lay in the same position sound asleep. He pulled on his boxers and pants before towe-

    Aliyah Burke
    ling off his hair a little more. Barefoot, he padded into the kitchen and began making breakfast.

    Landi rolled over and stretched as she yawned. Sated was the only word to describe how she felt at that moment. Utterly sated.
    Opening her eyes, she looked around her room. The memory of Dimitri’s touch flooded over her and she shuddered as her body responded.
    Was it all a dream? If it was, what a way to ring in the New Year.
    “No way,” she muttered.
    Slowly, she got out of bed and headed for her closet. Her outfit from the previous day wasn’t anywhere in the room. She picked a black, full-length silk robe with pink trim and slid it on over her naked body. Raking a hand through her tangled hair, Landi shoved her feet into her house slippers and left her bedroom.
    Landi stopped and stared at her living area. It was still full of flowers. It hadn’t been a dream. Worrying her lower lip between her teeth, she

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