Hot Buttered Rum: Standalone Romance (Silk Stocking Inn Book 4)

Free Hot Buttered Rum: Standalone Romance (Silk Stocking Inn Book 4) by Anna Hart

Book: Hot Buttered Rum: Standalone Romance (Silk Stocking Inn Book 4) by Anna Hart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anna Hart
newfound scandalously naughty girl conscience.
    Turner’s blue eyes followed me as I stood up.
    “Should I keep the dress on?”

Chapter 10
    I paced the room, not so much from nerves but from an explosion of giddiness that had taken over me the second I got back to my room. I walked over and fluffed the pillows for the hundredth time and then decided there were just a few too many on the bed. They were taking up valuable activity space.
    I plucked off some of the frillier ones and then proceeded to pull back the top quilt. I stopped and remade the bed, deciding it was just a little too forward of me to turn down the bed. A laugh followed as I thought about how forward I’d been when I quickly dashed up to the bedroom to wait for him.
    I twirled the green fabric of the dress around my legs a few times as I looked at myself in the mirror. I usually wore much more severe and business-like clothes for work. Seeing myself in a flirty dress made me smile as I thought about how my team would react if I walked into the design room in a short dress and sandals.
    “Ginger?” My hands trembled at the sound of Turner’s voice outside.
    “Come on in, Turner.”
    He opened the door. His fingers went right to the light dimmer as he stepped inside. He lowered the amount of light just enough to give the room a pale yellow glow.
    I looked around. “I had no idea the lights did that. Maybe I should ask how you knew.”
    Turner shrugged. “Sometimes, if the weather is really rough on the water and the room is empty, Coco lets me stay here.” He kept one hand behind his back as he moved closer.
    “That’s nice of her,” I said weakly, and took a discrete step back, suddenly very aware that he was hiding something.
    “Why, my beautiful captive, you look a little nervous.” His voice was low and smooth and sent a thrilled shiver through me. He dragged his arm out and produced a can of whipped cream. “I say, who needs apple cobbler for dessert.”
    He reached behind with his other hand and pulled out a long satiny scarf. “Found it downstairs in the hall closet, and I thought it might come in handy.”
    I hadn’t realized I’d been holding my breath until he stepped in front of me and kissed my neck. “Breathe, beautiful.”
    I pulled in some oxygen and the room spun for a second. He pressed his hand against my waist to keep me from falling.
    “Must have been the wine,” I said quickly.
    “Damn, I was hoping it was me.” He shoved the scarf back in his pocket and put the whipped cream on the dresser.
    Turner wrapped his arms around me and pulled me against him. He kissed me long and hard, until, once again, the room spun. It wasn’t from the wine at all. Turner made me feel so lightheaded, I was sure if he released me, I’d float to the ceiling like a helium balloon.
    “Do you want Turner or do you want Captain Turner tonight?” His low, hoarse whisper tickled my chin.
    “Since I have a choice, I think I’d like the captain, please.”
    “Aye aye, my perfectly tasty sea treasure.” His mouth pressed against my neck, and my head lolled back to enjoy the luxury of his kisses. “God, you taste like honey everywhere,” he growled. “I want all of you.”
    He stepped back. His eyes were glazed with a white hot hunger. The way he looked at me sent a shiver through my body and, again, the room seemed to be just a little off center. “Lift your dress for me, baby,” he commanded.
    My fingers still trembled as I clutched at the soft fabric and slowly scooted the dress up. I stopped just at the top my thighs and flashed him a teasing smile. “Would you like to see more, Captain?”
    “Teasing a pirate with a rock hard cock is a dangerous game, wench.”
    His voice had just enough of an edge on it to make me comply instantly. I raised the dress up above my panties. Something about standing in front of him, panties exposed, with his dark, ravenous gaze stroking me just like his strong callused fingers

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