
Free Burn by Rayna Bishop

Book: Burn by Rayna Bishop Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rayna Bishop
fabric, it was rock hard, and she could tell he was going crazy.   It twitched a little at her touch.   She licked up his shaft through his underwear, giving him a small preview of what was to come.  

    Finally, she gave him a little relief by pulling his boxers down.   She grabbed his thick member and glided her hand over his shaft, stroking him slowly.   She looked up and watched Mercer staring at her.   She could see the desperation in his eyes for her to go faster, but she kept her pace.

    Danni licked from the base of his shaft up to the tip of his head, then swallowed every inch of him.   As she moved her head back and forth, she moved her hand in unison, giving him double satisfaction.   Mercer’s head hit the pillow, finally getting what he so desperately needed.   As she tasted him, he guided her by lightly placing his hand on the back of her head.   It was her turn to bring him to the edge and back off.   Every time she felt his big cock twitch, she backed off, heating him up and cooling him off, over and over again.

    Mercer decided enough was enough and took what he wanted—just how Danni liked it.   He withdrew himself from her mouth and pushed her flat on the bed.   He spread her legs wide, her wet sex glistening in the dark light.   She grabbed his penis and guided it to her.   Mercer paused at her opening, teasing her a bit more before she begged him to take her.

    He slid into her and finally they were joined.   Danni wrapped her legs around Mercer’s waist.   They moved as one, losing themselves completely in the act, aware of each other on a base level as they brought one another to the brink of orgasm, neither one of them daring to back off this time.  

    When they were so close, it seemed they would go mad if they didn’t erupt, all romantic pretense had left their bodies and they just needed to fuck each other, consumed by carnal delight.   Danni’s fingernails dug hard into Mercer’s back as he pumped her hard.   Both of them exploded, their pent-up desire released upon each other.

    Mercer stayed inside her long after they finished, not wanting to lose the feeling of being so close to her, but eventually pulled himself from her.   They lay in each other’s arms, not speaking, but simply knowing they were together, forever.   At least for those precious minutes, nothing in the world was powerful enough to drive them apart again.

C ruz was standing outside when Danni walked out into the cool night air.   He was leaning against the wall of the motel, staring into the distance, not really looking at anything.   He looked up when he heard her approaching.

    “Hey,” he said, giving her a warm smile.  

    “Hey,” she said back at him.

    He offered her a cigarette and she took it.   He lit it for her, and they were both quiet.   It was a weird moment for them, but Danni didn’t want it to be.   They had betrayed Mercer with their kiss, but that seemed like a long time ago, even though it was just a few days.

    Cruz said, “I’m glad you and Mercer patched things up.”

    Danni smiled.   “Thanks.   I’m happy with did too.   And I’m happy that we’re friends.”

    She said it that way, emphasizing the word “friends” to make sure he got the point even though she was sure he did.   There wasn’t any hint of romantic intention in his eyes.   There was a warmness to them, but Danni saw past that into the sadness that filled Cruz’s life.  

    Danni knew that look.   It was something she had seen in other men, the.   The broken romantics who thought the love of a good woman would make the pain go away.   The ones that thought she could fix them.   She couldn’t though.   Danni could never make them understand that she was just as guilty and fumbling her way through life as they were.   She was strong and could take care of herself, but she couldn’t save them.

    “You’ll be OK, you know.”

    Cruz nodded.   He was about to say something else

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