Owned By The Alphas - The Prequel

Free Owned By The Alphas - The Prequel by Faleena Hopkins

Book: Owned By The Alphas - The Prequel by Faleena Hopkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Faleena Hopkins
and Sakura stayed in wolf-form, their glowing eyes alert and excited.
    Jal cocked his chin and offered, “How about you and Ivar race?”
    “He’s going to melt you, Red!” Thanot cried out, excitedly, “Yeah! A race!”
    Kyren gazed at her alpha, and Red caught the look the old wolf shared with her. It had a heaviness to it that could not be missed. It seemed the others didn’t notice. Ivar was about to address the challenge but all heads turned as howling was heard from outside. The three brothers and Kyren looked about to shift, but waited for their alpha’s command.
    As he stared at the boarded-up windows, Ivar frowned. “I know who that is.” He looked at Red. “I will handle this.” He started for the door.
    “Let me come with you!” Red objected.
    Ivar held up his hand and threw a look so severe it surprised him. “No. Stay with the others. Protect them .”
    Shuffling feet showed how everyone felt about this, and Red stood straighter to compensate for their fear. He glanced around, his muscles tight and ready. The wolves were just getting to know him, and while they had all of them accepted him without objection, the idea that they would trust him to lead was foreign and clearly impossible. As Ivar walked to the door, Red motioned to the others. As soon as the door closed, he whispered so low only those present could hear, “We will listen. Come.”
    The group went to the door, quiet as they could. The relief that they could be nearby if needed gave more approval for this new alpha. Red laid his hand on the doorknob, wrapping his strong fingers around it and readying to swing it open if needed. The pack was silent, and they listened to the careful conversation outside.
    Ivar: “Rait, you look well? And your son, he is impressive as ever.”
    Rait: “It has been awhile.”
    Ivar: “It has.”
    Rait: “I’ve heard talk.”
    Ivar: “Oh?”
    Rait: “That you have taken in an alpha.”
    Ivar: “I have. We are glad to call him a friend. He is quite impressive.”
    Rait: “Can I meet him?”
    Ivar: “No.”
    Rait: “Why not?”
    Ivar: “Because he is just getting acclimated and I do not wish to start a war.”
    Rait: “Why would meeting him start a war?”
    Ivar: “It might not. But you see, I am protective of my own. And of you. Old friend.”
    Rait: “Ivar, what I do not understand is why you would invite an equal in. It is a seed for mutiny in most packs. Alphas rule. They do not play second fiddle. Do not look at my son. He will run the pack someday, and for now, he is happy and could leave at any time, were he to wish to.”
    Calt: “I have no wish to leave, nor rule. Not until you step down, and I hope that day is long off.”
    Ivar: “That day is not long off for me.”
    Inside the warehouse, shocked looks were exchanged. Denial and disbelief passed over many of the faces, but not of Kyren’s. She met Red’s gaze with a look that said she’d known.
    Red finally understood. He was being groomed to take over. A weight fell over his heart that surprised him. He’d barely arrived, but his feelings for the first wolf to show him kindness were strong.
    Rait: “How long do you have?”
    Ivar: “Months. Maybe less.”
    Calt: “You appear in perfect form!”
    Ivar: “It is an illusion, I assure you. The cancer is eating at my insides and makes itself known to me more and more each day. Now, if you will excuse me, my family is listening at the door. A conversation must be had. Thank you for softening the blow with your distracting presence.”
    Rait: “I am sorry, Ivar. For what it is worth. We will be in town. If you need anything.”
    Ivar: “You surprise me. But it is a welcome surprise. I always knew you were a good wolf, Rait. Now you have proved it.”
    A moment later the door opened, and Red and the others had already stepped away to make room. They did not try to hide that they were eavesdropping since it was pointless, and hearts were

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