Witness in Death
the booth, slowly unwinding a brilliant multicolored scarf from around her neck. Her fingers plucked at the long, dark fringe. "Peabody, would you mind giving us a minute here?"
    "No problem." Peabody pushed herself out of the booth, and because Nadine's eyes were clouded, gave the reporter a quick, reassuring squeeze on the arm. "I'll just go sit at the bar and watch the holo-games."
    "Thanks. Been a while since we've been in here."
    "Never long enough," Eve commented when Nadine took her seat across the wobbly table. At a server's approach, Eve merely took out her badge and set it in clear view on the table. She didn't think she or Nadine were in the mood for a snack, much less possible ptomaine. "What's the problem?"
    "I'm not sure. Maybe there isn't one." Nadine closed her eyes, shook back her hair.
    She'd added some blonde streaky things in it, Eve noticed. She could never figure out why people were always changing colors. All that maintenance baffled her.
    "Richard Draco," Nadine said.
    "I'm not going to discuss the case with you." Eve scooped up her badge with one impatient swipe. "Press conference at fourteen hundred."
    "I slept with him."
    Eve paused in the act of getting out of the booth, settled back, and took a closer look at Nadine's face. "When?"
    "Not long after I got the on-air job at 75. I wasn't doing the crime beat then. Mostly fluff stories, social gigs, celebrity profiles. Anyway, he contacted me. Wanted to tell me how good I was, how much he enjoyed watching my reports. Which were pretty damn solid, considering I hated every fucking minute of it."
    She picked up her scarf, wound it around her hand. Unwound it. Set it down again. "He asked me to dinner. I was flattered, he was gorgeous. One thing led to another."
    "Okay. That would have been, what, five years ago?"
    "Six, actually, six." Nadine lifted a hand, rubbed her fingers over her mouth. It was a gesture Eve had never seen her make before. On-air reporters didn't like mussing their makeup.
    "I said one thing led to another," she continued, "but it led there romantically. We didn't just jump into bed. We dated for a couple of weeks. Quiet dinners, theater, walks, parties. Then he asked me to go away with him for the weekend, to Paris."
    This time Nadine simply dropped her head in her hands. "Oh Jesus. Jesus, Dallas."
    "You fell for him."
    "Oh yeah. I fell for him. All the way. I mean I was gone, stupid in love with the son of a bitch. We were together for three months, and I actually... Dallas, I was thinking marriage, kids, the house in the country. The whole ball."
    Eve shifted in her seat. Emotional declarations always made her feel clumsy. "So, I take it things didn't work out."
    Nadine stared for a moment, then let her head fall back with a long, shaky laugh. "Yeah, you could say things didn't work out. I found out he was two-timing me. Hell, three- and four-timing me. I caught a gossip report right before I went on air, and there was Richard cuddled up with some big-breasted blonde at some swank club uptown. When I confronted him about it, he just smiled and said he enjoyed women. So what?
    "So what," she murmured. "The fucker broke my heart and didn't have the decency to lie to me. He even talked me back into bed. I'm ashamed of that. I let him talk me back into bed, and when I was still wet from him, he takes a call from another woman. Makes a date with her while I'm lying there naked."
    "How long was he hospitalized?"
    Nadine managed a weak smile. "There's the pity. I cried. I sat there in his bed and cried like a baby."
    "Okay, I'm sorry. It was a raw deal. But it was six years ago."
    "I saw him the night he was killed."
    "Oh hell, Nadine."
    "He called me."
    "Shut up. Just shut up right now. Don't say another word to me. Get a lawyer."
    "Dallas." Nadine's hand shot out, and her fingers dug into Eve's wrist. "Please. I need to tell you everything. Then I need you to tell me how much trouble I could be in."
    "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." Eve jabbed at

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