Doctor Who: The Savages

Free Doctor Who: The Savages by Ian Stuart Black

Book: Doctor Who: The Savages by Ian Stuart Black Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ian Stuart Black
Tags: Science-Fiction:Doctor Who
after Senta’s announcement.
    ‘I heard your message, Senta. You are to be congratulated.’
    Senta indicated the array of instruments. ‘A perfect transfer,’ he said.
    ‘Remarkable,’ Jam) smiled. ‘How is the Doctor?’
    ‘Almost totally reduced,’ said Senta ‘But in good condition. He will recover in time, and like our other subjects, we shall be able to use him again.’
    Jano nodded thoughtfully. ‘You realise what this means?’ he said. ‘As we have been able to make this transfer successfully, we shall be able to do the same with the other time-travellers.’
    ‘The young man and the girl?’ queried Senta.
    ‘Yes. As it is, they are a danger to us. But as a source of high grade energy they will be of great value.’
    He signalled to Edal who stood close by on duty. ‘Send out a patrol,’ he ordered. ‘The young couple who arrived with the Doctor must be brought in.’
    Edal marched smartly away.
    The savages hurried Steven and Dodo through the scrubland and into a narrow rocky valley.
    They were surrounded by a flock of tribesmen scrambling down the sides of the valley to cluster round the strangers threateningly.
    ‘Leave them,’ shouted Chal. ‘They are here as friends. We bring them for safety.’
    ‘And what have we done for the Doctor?’ asked Steven bitterly.
    ‘Nothing,’ said Chal. ‘For there is nothing that can be done.’
    ‘You’re going to have to stand up and fight them one day,’ said Steven.
    ‘You have never faced the light guns,’ said Chal drily.
    Steven and Dodo looked round at the rocks that climbed above them, gloomy, rugged. ‘What is this place?’ asked Dodo.
    ‘It is where we live,’ said Chal.
    ‘You have seen the openings between the rocks?’ ‘You live in caves? Like animals?’
    ‘It is the only place we are safe. The only place the guards don’t follow us.’
    The grim reality was very clear.
    Jano watched the Doctor being taken from the cubicle. He looked at the motionless body and the face like a death mask as the trolley passed.
    ‘Are you sure he’s all right? What is his vitality reading?’
    ‘Down to twenty. We were careful.’
    ‘And his energy?’
    ‘That is still high. He is a remarkable source. A great potential, Jano.’
    ‘Very well,’ said Jano. ‘I want you to prepare for an intransference immediately.’
    Senta was startled. ‘So soon?’
    ‘The sooner the better.’
    ‘Have you already nominated a number of citizens to receive a proportion of this life force?’
    ‘There will be only one recipient,’ said Jano.
    Senta was taken aback, ‘That is most unusual.’
    ‘It’s an unusual experiment altogether,’ agreed Jano. ‘It would not be right to risk the safety of other members of the City, I have decided. I shall take full responsibility.’
    It dawned on Senta just what Jano meant. ‘You’re going to take the entire intransference yourself?’ Jano nodded gravely.
    ‘But Jano, suppose something should go wrong? We’ve never done anything like this before.’
    ‘It is for that reason I take sole risk. I shall be ready when you need me.’
    Senta was about to protest, but the look on Jano’s face stopped him. The chief Elder of the City hurried away.
    The first assistant was over-awed. ‘He’s going to take the entire —’
    Senta cut him short. ‘It’s not for you to question our leader,’ he said. ‘Keep silent about this.’ ‘Of course.’
    ‘Get everything ready. Top priority and at speed. This doesn’t look like the end of our work today. Those patrols will soon have those two other young time-travellers in here... Call up extra staff. We’re going to need everybody.’
    There was a sudden burst of excitement at the entrance of the valley, and one of the savages came racing across to Chal.
    ‘What’s happened?’ asked Steven.
    ‘A patrol, heading this way,’ Chal told him.
    Tor waved his hands aggressively. ‘I.told you this
    would happen. They are looking for these

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