The Institute: Daddy Issues

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Book: The Institute: Daddy Issues by Evangeline Anderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Evangeline Anderson
Daddy,” the girl gasped breath­lessly. “Please Daddy, touch me while you do this. Touch me while you fill up my little hole.”
    “Of course I will, kit­ten.” As he con­tin­ued to in­sert the plug with one hand, he slipped his other between her legs and began rub­bing her swollen pussy. The girl moaned and ground her­self against his fin­gers, gasp­ing and cry­ing as he slipped the thick plug deeper and deeper into her back pas­sage.
    “Oh, Daddy,” she gasped, writh­ing against him. “Oh, Daddy, I think…I think I’m go­ing to come! Please, Daddy—can I come?”
    “As soon as I get your new plug all the way in­side you, kit­ten,” he told her. “Then you have Daddy’s per­mis­sion to come all over his fin­gers.”
    “Yes, Daddy… please, Daddy!” she moaned, press­ing back against him.
    Though I would have sworn earlier that this whole scene was com­pletely non­con­sen­sual, I saw now that Salt was right. It was just some kind of a show the two of them were put­ting on and it seemed like the girl really got off on hav­ing an audi­ence. Prob­ably that was the whole point of hav­ing the nurse in the room in the first place—so she could “wit­ness” the op­er­a­tion. And now we had got­ten roped in to watch­ing too.
    The whole thing was sick but I found I couldn’t drag my eyes away. As the bright pink plug fi­nally slid home in­side her, the girl threw back her head and moaned like a wild an­imal.
    “Daddy!” she gasped, press­ing back hard against his fin­gers. “Oh, Daddy I’m com­ing! Com­ing so hard just for you.”
    “That’s right, kit­ten,” he growled, rub­bing her slick pussy harder and faster. “That’s right, come for me. Come for Daddy. Come nice and hard. ”
    God, were they for real? Did this weird fet­ish really turn them on that much?
    More to the point, was it turn­ing me on? Be­cause my nipples were tight and tender and the V between my legs seemed to be pulsing in time to my heart­beat. I felt wet and swollen there. But why would watch­ing such a sick dis­play do that to me?
    Sud­denly, as we watched the in­tim­ate scene, I real­ized Salt and I were still hold­ing hands. I tore my eyes away from the sight on the exam table and looked up at him, ex­pect­ing to see him with his gaze glued to the erotic sight be­fore us.
    In­stead, his ice-blue eyes were fixed on me. For a mo­ment—just a mo­ment—I ima­gined let­ting him do that to me. Ima­gined let­ting him open me like that and fill me.
    Then I gave a little gasp and yanked my hand out of his.
    “Andi,” he began in a low voice but I was already out of the room, run­ning down the hall­way to the black double doors. I bolted through them and clattered down the steps as fast as I could. The damn pat­ent leather shoes pinched me hor­ribly but I didn’t care. I just wanted to get away from the weird scene we’d wit­nessed and the strange, dis­turb­ing feel­ings it raised in me.

Chapter Four
    “ Mishka! Mishka, no—please stop!” Salt caught me be­fore I could get to the front door. Caught me in his arms and held me though I tried to get loose.
    “Let me go, Salt!” I beat against his chest use­lessly. “Let me go, I don’t want to stay here. I don’t want that done to me! I don’t want you to do it!”
    “Of course not. Of course not, my darling.” He stroked my hair sooth­ingly, still hold­ing me close.
    After a mo­ment, I stopped fight­ing him and clung to him in­stead, bury­ing my face in his broad chest. Why had we come to this hor­rible place and how in the hell were we go­ing to get out of it? It oc­curred to me that I was act­ing like a frightened child, but I couldn’t seem to stop.
    What I had seen had really shaken me up for some reason. I didn’t know if it was the ab­ject sub­mis­sion the girl had shown or the way she kept shout­ing out “Daddy” when she came, but for whatever reason, I felt

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