The Institute: Daddy Issues

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Book: The Institute: Daddy Issues by Evangeline Anderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Evangeline Anderson
com­pletely freaked out. And let me tell you, that’s not easy to do. I’ve been with the PD for a long time and not much ruffles my feath­ers. But this did . So much that I felt like I needed to scrub my eye­balls out with soap. Or maybe my brain so I could get rid of the weird, sexual im­ages that were now play­ing on a loop that wouldn’t stop.
    “Mr. Saltanov?” I heard Dir­ector Berkley say, com­ing down the stairs after us. “Is everything all right?”
    “Fine,” Salt said, still hold­ing me close. “Everything will be fine.”
    “I don’t think so,” Berkley said.
    I looked up from the shel­ter of my part­ner’s broad chest and saw that the Dir­ector was star­ing dis­ap­prov­ingly at both of us.
    “Look, Mr. Saltanov, I’m truly sorry but I’m afraid your Little may be too…er, high strung for life here at the In­sti­tute.”
    “She is simply frightened—be­cause you frightened her,” Salt growled an­grily. “I told you she is new to this scene and then I told you I do not use her back pas­sage in this way. And what do you do? You say it is rule that all Littles must have plugs and show her a scene to frighten any little girl to death! What is wrong with you?”
    “I…I’m sorry.” Dir­ector Berkley seemed some­what taken aback at Salt’s vehe­ment at­tack. “I didn’t know she was quite so new as all that .”
    “I have paid good money to be here and I wish to stay,” Salt said, still glar­ing at the other man. “But I do not wish to have my little girl frightened in this way. She is vir­gin here.” One big hand drif­ted down to cup my trem­bling ass. “I do not even put my fin­gers or my tongue in­side her there—not yet.”
    Fin­gers and tongue? Not yet? I looked up at Salt but Berkley was already talk­ing again.
    “Very well.” The Dir­ector looked dis­gruntled. “We can delay the pla­cing of the plug for a little while at least. But I must in­sist that you and your Little have a ses­sion with our staff psy­cho­lo­gist, Dr. Ne­w­house, while you are here. In fact, the sooner the bet­ter. I think the two of you should meet with her to­mor­row at her earli­est con­veni­ence.”
    “All right.” Salt drew him­self up to his full height. “This we can do as long as this doc­tor prom­ises to keep his hands to him­self. Mishka is mine and I do not al­low any­one else to play with her.”
    “Dr. Lucy Ne­w­house is a fe­male and a con­sum­mate pro­fes­sional,” Berkley said stiffly. “I wouldn’t have chosen her for my staff, oth­er­wise.”
    “Thank you. Then we will stay. And we will speak with this Dr. Ne­w­house to­mor­row.” Salt nod­ded his head regally as though he was do­ing the other man a fa­vor.
    “Fine.” Berkley still didn’t look happy about it. “Then if your Little can con­trol her emo­tions, I do be­lieve it’s time for sup­per.”
    “You have shown us where din­ing room is—we will meet you there,” Salt said firmly. “First I must talk to my mishka.”
    “Very well.” The dir­ector strode off, the set of his shoulders un­der his ex­pens­ive suit look­ing very angry in­deed.
    The mo­ment he was gone, Salt pulled me close and leaned down to whis­per in my ear.
    “Andi, are you all right?”
    I’d had a mo­ment to calm down and now I was thor­oughly ashamed of my little break down. Hon­estly, I couldn’t ima­gine what had come over me. Why had I freaked out that way? I’d seen things in Vice that would make a whore blush. Why had the live ac­tion butt plug show been my un­do­ing?
    I couldn’t an­swer any of those ques­tions and I couldn’t ad­mit to Salt that I was really up­set either. I didn’t want him to think of me as weak or crazy or too stu­pidly emo­tional and fe­male to do my job.
    So I lied.
    “I’m per­fectly fine,” I said calmly. “That was all just an act. Pretty good, huh?”
    “An act?” He frowned at me, his eyes dark.

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