The Institute: Daddy Issues

Free The Institute: Daddy Issues by Evangeline Anderson

Book: The Institute: Daddy Issues by Evangeline Anderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Evangeline Anderson
put up my butt. Then again, I didn’t want any­thing up there. From the tears in the girl’s eyes, she felt the same way.
    “Please, Daddy,” she whispered, talk­ing to the man who was clearly her Big in a soft, plead­ing tone. “Please, it’s too big.”
    “But it’s not as big as my cock, kit­ten.” The man the nurse had called Daddy Thomas stroked the girl’s cheeks lov­ingly. “Don’t you want to be able to please your Daddy and take his big hard cock all the way up that tight little ass of yours?”
    “Well…yes…” The girl nod­ded. “But I’m afraid it might hurt.”
    “Not if you re­lax and open up for Daddy, kit­ten.” He stroked her reddened ass cheeks sooth­ingly. “And af­ter­wards, Daddy will make you feel so good. Re­mem­ber, good girls get spe­cial kisses between their legs.”
    I could feel my cheeks get­ting hot at his im­plic­a­tion. In ad­di­tion to not want­ing any­thing up my rear, I was also very re­luct­ant to let a man put his face between my thighs. It made me feel too vul­ner­able some­how…too open. I didn’t like that feel­ing—didn’t like it one bit.
    But clearly, this wasn’t how the red-haired girl felt.
    “Oh, yes, Daddy,” she said eagerly. “I love when you give me spe­cial kisses!”
    “Well then, you have to open up and take your new plug like a big girl, kit­ten,” he said. “Please don’t make me paddle you again. You’re little ass is already rosy red—I know it must hurt.”
    “It does…” Two fat tears slipped down the girl’s flushed cheeks. “I don’t want an­other spank­ing, Daddy. Not now, any­way.”
    “Well then, spread your legs for Daddy.” He held out his hand and the nurse coated the tip of the bright pink plug lib­er­ally in lube and handed it to him.
    “Okay, Daddy.” The girl had star­ted cry­ing again but she wasn’t try­ing to fight him. In­stead, she spread her legs wider, show­ing us the tight bud of her anus as well as the soft, pink folds of her bare pussy. I couldn’t help no­ti­cing that she was clean shaven down there—com­pletely smooth. I sup­posed that was how this sick fuck pre­tend­ing to be her Daddy liked her.
    The Daddy in ques­tion pressed the tip of the plug to the girl’s tight rose­bud. She wiggled a little and let out a cry as he began to push it in.
    Once more I wished help­lessly for my gun but even if I’d had it with me, there wasn’t much I could have done. If I tried to stop the scene in front of me, I would have blown our cover for sure. Still, I didn’t want to just stand by and watch the girl get anally vi­ol­ated.
    I star­ted to step for­ward but Salt stopped me with a hand on my arm. He pulled me back­wards, away from the ac­tion so that we could speak privately in the back corner of the room.
    “Let go,” I muttered to him, un­der my breath. “We can’t just stand here and watch this hap­pen without do­ing any­thing about it!”
    “Look at her, Andi,” he mur­mured back, speak­ing dir­ectly into my ear.
    “I see her,” I snapped back. “She’s cry­ing be­cause she’s be­ing anally raped!”
    “I do not think it is rape,” he said softly. “And I do not think she is un­will­ing. Look at her—she is aroused.”
    “What are you talk­ing about?” I de­man­ded. “How can some­thing like this arouse her?”
    “I don’t know.” He shrugged. “Maybe be­cause she en­joys sub­mit­ting? But look at her pussy—she is wet, Andi. So wet and open.”
    Re­luct­antly, I looked at the girl on the table again. To my chag­rin, I saw that Salt was right. The girl’s pussy was swollen and spread as though beg­ging for at­ten­tion. And she was so wet her juices were coat­ing the in­sides of her thighs. This seemed to catch the at­ten­tion of her Daddy too.
    “Look at you, kit­ten,” he muttered, his voice thick with lust. “Look at how hot and wet your little cunny is get­ting for Daddy.”

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